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He pointed to one corner, in which lay the great Head, made out of many thicknesses of paper, and with a carefully painted face. "This I hung from the ceiling by a wire," said Oz. "I stood behind the screen and pulled a thread, to make the eyes move and the mouth open." "But how about the voice?" she inquired. "Oh, I am a ventriloquist," said the little man.

The wretch, who really was the first ventriloquist in the world, was only trying to divert the child's attention from the torture-chamber; but it was a stupid scheme, for Christine thought of nothing but us! She repeatedly besought him, in the gentlest tones which she could assume: "Put out the light in the little window! ... Erik, do put out the light in the little window!"

"The railing is old," interpolated a fifth, who had the voice of a ventriloquist. "So much the better," said the second who had spoken. "It won't screech under the saw, and it won't be hard to cut." The sixth, who had not yet opened his lips, now began to inspect the gate, as Eponine had done an hour earlier, grasping each bar in succession, and shaking them cautiously.

Rekh-mara seemed very much annoyed at the notice he was exciting. 'Come out of this crowd, he whispered to Robert. 'I must talk with you apart. 'Oh, no, Jane whispered. 'I did so want to see the Mascot Moth, and the Ventriloquist. 'How did you get here? was Robert's return whisper. 'How did you get to Egypt and to Tyre? retorted Rekh-mara. 'Come, let us leave this crowd.

"Hunt told the story to some of the other fellows that evening, and there was great wonderment about the ventriloquist, and a good many wished they could have a chance to see him and some of his tricks.

I was well guarded to be sure, but could have dispensed with the attention, and would have bargained for less honor, with an equal diminution of noise! The Portuguese lay great stress upon these night calls; and at the Typa fort, where we lay, which but two or three soldiers garrison, it was said they had a ventriloquist, who sent the word Alerto, with various changes, throughout the works.

"Oh," said Harry, smiling, "I am in the employ of Professor Henderson, the ventriloquist. I suppose it is hardly proper to say that I am in business." "Professor Henderson! Why, he is going to give an entertainment here to-night, isn't he?" "He was; but I have come over to countermand the notice." "What is that for?" "He is taken sick at Pentland, and won't be able to come." "Oh, that's it.

Thus it happened that M. de Monpavon had quite close to him and it was a sight to watch how the disdainful curve of his nose was accentuated at each glance in that direction the singer Garrigou, a fellow-countryman of Jansoulet, a distinguished ventriloquist who sang Figaro in the dialect of the south, and had no equal in his imitations of animals.

We may fall into similar illusions respecting distance in auditory perception. A change of wind, an unusual stillness in the air, is quite sufficient to produce the sense that sounding objects are nearer than they actually are. The art of the ventriloquist manifestly aims at producing this kind of illusion.

A pious seer was charged to tell him more exactly what this was; and he would meet him if he went at about sunset to the shrine of Isis, and called three times on the name of Severus before the altar of the goddess. The Syrian ventriloquist had, by Serapion's orders, hidden behind a pillar and spoken to the prefect from the statue; and Macrinus had, of course, obeyed his instructions.