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"You you are h'all so velcome as I can't say," she declared. "Miss Nelson is going away with Stefan in a few minutes," said Hugo, cheerfully. At this Mrs. Papineau's face fell. She looked positively unhappy. "Some'ow," she said, sniffing, "I always 'ope she stay 'ere h'all de time now. I I never tink she go avay for good. De de dogs and de calf and an de baby and chil'ren dey all love 'er.

Mumpson felt some embarrassment in her purpose to overwhelm Holcroft with a sense of the impropriety of his conduct. Mrs. Wiggins took uncertain steps toward the rocking chair, and almost crushed it as she sat down. "Ye gives a body a cold velcome," she remarked, rubbing her eyes. Mrs. Mumpson had got out of her way as a minnow would shun a leviathan. "May I ask your name?" she gasped.

The boat swept up to our gangway in very dashing style, and her owner, ascending the accommodation ladder, stepped in on deck with a genial smile that disclosed a splendid set of brilliantly white teeth beneath his heavy, glossy black moustache. "Good-morning, sar," said he to the first lieutenant, who met him at the gangway. "Velcome to Banana," with a flourish of his hat. "Vat chip dis is, eh?"

"Pardon," I murmured; "did you spe' has any one been speaking and I have failed to give attention?" "O no, sir! I sink not! Vell, you are velcome to all you haf heardt; but I am ve'y much oblige' to you for yo' 'hmm. It vas se right sing in se right place. But do you not sink I shouldt haf been a pre-eacheh? I love to preach."

"Ladies and gentlemans, valk in, if you please," he said, to my great astonishment; "Vilhelmina and my good self make you velcome to our poor house. Vilhelmina, arise and say so." "Go to the back kitchen, Hans," replied Wilhelmina, whose name was "Betsy," "and don't come out until I tell you. You will find work to do there, and remember to pump up.

'Ere's the children; now sit right down wth hus, and velcome. Since we're neighbors we'll be neighborly and friendly like; and before yer know hit, yer'll be snug and comfortable hin your hown rooms, and yer can be jist as 'appy bin 'em has hever yer vas him yer life. Bein' poor and 'aving to vork hain't the vorst troubles in the vorld."

"Good-morning; and thank you," said Sara timidly. "Thou art mos' velcome; adieu!" and with a flourish of his hat he was gone. "You may take off your wraps in here, if you please, Miss Olmstead," said Professor Macon, leading the way to a small cloak-room; then, as she returned unbonneted, he pointed to the desk near his own.