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Crossjay's voice ran up and down a diatonic scale with here and there a query in semitone and a laugh on a ringing note. She wondered what he could have to talk of so incessantly, and imagined all the dialogue. He prattled of his yesterday, to-day, and to-morrow, which did not imply past and future, but his vivid present. She felt like one vainly trying to fly in hearing him; she felt old.

Vainly he hurt his teeth, some of which were loosening under the pressure of the second teeth rising underneath. The stick was stronger than he. Although he did not forget Skipper, the poignancy of his loss faded with the passage of time, until uppermost in his mind was the desire to be free.

He had a trick of posing in the box, and he delivered the ball with a flourish. The scrub team did not have many batters, and so it came about that the first three men up were disposed of in one-two-three order, not one of them making a safe hit or reaching first. Rattleton had vainly endeavored to get upon the regular team.

He no sooner reappeared than the people flocked in thousands around him. "Heil Herro! Heil Liebo!" Berthold vainly defended himself in his mountain stronghold of Hohentwiel.

Plainly even to the Senior Surgeon and the Superintendent the bones in her knees weakened suddenly like knots of tissue paper. No power on earth could have made her break discipline by taking a chair while the Senior Surgeon stood, so she sank limply down to the floor instead, with two great solemn tears welling slowly through the fingers with which she tried vainly to cover her face.

Come on, an' we'll do him up!" yelled the brawny leader, rushing forward. When he reached the door, he tried in vain to break it open. It seemed to be braced in such a manner that he could make no impression on the planks. "Bring me the ax, somebody!" he howled, after beating his fists vainly against the panel. One of his followers made haste to obey.

The fresh, pleasant face of a vigorous woman, who had already visited the sufferer several times, greeted her beside his couch. When, in the exchange of salutations, her eyes met Eva's the latter suddenly found the plan of action she had vainly sought.

She stopped short, then tried to turn and fly, but was so paralyzed with terror that she could not stir, expecting every instant that they would pounce upon her and take her prisoner, while she bitterly repented her temerity in having ventured to leave her own room, and vainly wished herself back by the quiet fireside there.

The Marquis de Gemosac, however, ignored the sound as completely as he had ignored River Andrew's remarks. He was looking round him with eyes which had once been dark and bright, and were now dimly yellow. He looked from tomb to tomb, vainly seeking one that should be distinguished, if only by the evidence of a little care at the hands of the living.

He thought, even, that the Rector that name of fear had at last found in himself the ideal which he had vainly sought in so many examples of lettered youth. He became vain, perhaps, but certainly a little self-willed, as was his nature, feeling himself to be on the top of the wave, and above those precautions for keeping himself there which had once seemed necessary.