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But I am glat to meet you. Vill you come do der house und rest a v'ile?" "Sure!" Bill responded. "But we're neighbors, all right. Did you notice a cabin about half a mile west of here? That's our place when we're at home." "So?" The word escaped with the peculiar rising inflection of the Teuton. "I haf saw dot cabin veil ve come here. But I dink it vass abandon.

No, 'e ain't none the worse for that 'ook, though they thought so in the army, and it vere 'im as brought you off v'ile I vos a-chasing of the enemy vith 'is gun, yonder." Here the giant blushed and extended a huge fist. "Honored, sir," said he, clicking his heels together. "And now," said Mr. Shrig, "ve're all a-going to drink at my expense." "No, at mine," said Barnabas. "Sir," said Mr.

'Ere's you now, Number Three, as I might say, the unfort'nate wictim as was to be 'ere you are a-valking up to Fate axing to be made a corp', and vot do you get? not so much as a scrat not a westige of a scrat, v'ile another unfort'nate wictim vill run avay from Fate, run? ah! 'eaven's 'ard! and werry nat'ral too! and vot does 'e get? 'e gets made a corp' afore 'e knows it.

So I vatch you a little v'ile longer yet. T'en I say to myelf: 'Here is t'e voman; yes, she is found." And he chuckled and rubbed his lean hands together as I had so often seen him do. The thought flashed across my mind that this extraordinary man meditated a proposal of marriage, but I dismissed the notion as ridiculous.

Her best vork lives a little v'ile and produces its kind, and t'e vorst does not, and t'ey go down t'e dark vay toget'er and Nature neit'er veeps nor relents Kosmos is greater t'an t'e indifidual and a million years are short. "T'ose young vomen Nature meant t'em to desire beauty and dream of lofe. Vat is lofe? It is Nature's machinery. T'ose vomen are old enough for lofe, but t'ey haf it not.

Shrig continued, producing each article in turn. "But how in the world ?" began Barnabas. "I took 'em from you v'ile you vos a-lookin' at my castor. Lord love me, a babe could ha' done it, let alone a old 'and, like me!" "Do you mean ?" began Barnabas, and hesitated. "In my young days, sir," explained Mr.