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And although the oldest pupil was barely thirteen, every one of the six became in two minutes perfect in the shape, cut, colour, price, and quality, of every article Miss Pupford wore. Thus delightfully ushered in, the holidays began. Miss Kitty Kimmeens remained behind, for her relations and friends were all in India, far away.

Later, when Everett Brimbecomb was ushered into his office at the capital, the governor was primed with the sympathy that he had gathered from his wife's letter. "This is something of a surprise, my dear boy," he said. "I did not know you were coming to Albany so soon." "I came with a purpose," replied Everett; "for, as you know, my father is away, and I need your advice in something."

Nothing at all, it was only the ceremonious salute, to which I am as yet unaccustomed. What always strikes one on first entering a Japanese dwelling is the extreme cleanliness, the white and chilling bareness of the rooms. Over the most irreproachable mattings, without a crease, a line, or a stain, I was led upstairs to the first story and ushered into a large, empty room absolutely empty!

Under his reign there was a great cracking of eggs at Paas or Easter; Whitsuntide or Pinxter also flourished in all its bloom; and never were stockings better filled on the eve of the blessed St. Nicholas. New Year's Day, however, was his favorite festival, and was ushered in by the ringing of bells and firing of guns.

A ride of half an hour brought the pair to the edge of a heavy timber. Through this they picked their way, until a small clearing was gained, where was located a low log cabin, containing two rooms. The log cabin was not inhabited, and Vorlange pushed open the door without ceremony. "You'll stay here over night," he said, as he ushered Nellie into the smaller room.

We were ushered into the waiting-room, a kind of parlor, with a fire in the grate, and a centre-table, whereon lay one or two medical journals, with wood engravings; and there was a young man, who seemed to be an official of the house, reading. Shortly the surgeon appeared, a brisk, cheerful, kindly sort of person, whom I have met there on previous visits.

It is utterly impossible for him to form a correct opinion of the nature of a "breaking-out" either by gas or by candle light. If the illness come on at night, particularly if it be ushered in either with a severe shivering, or with any other urgent symptom, no time should be lost, be it night or day, in sending for him,

A few minutes later we were ushered into the awful presence of the "Veiled Prophet," a tall, ferret- eyed man in a robe that looked suspiciously like a brocaded dressing-gown much too large for him. Sure enough, he addressed us solemnly by name and proceeded directly to tell us why we had come.

The door was swung open, and the party, now reduced to Bradley and five Wieroos, was ushered across the threshold into a large, irregularly shaped room in which a single, giant Wieroo whose robe was solid blue sat upon a raised dais.

"The course of justice must not be delayed, although it be the Sabbath," said the Protector; and, having hastily ascertained that his officer had arrived at Cecil Place in time to prevent the intended marriage, he immediately ordered that Colonel Jones and Sir Willmott Burrell should be at once ushered into his presence.