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"He ought to know better at his age. Did you learn how long he had been in difficulties?" "No. But it can hardly have been quite sudden and unforeseen." "I should think not," Thorndyke agreed. "A sudden slump often proves disastrous to the regular Stock Exchange gambler who is paying differences on large quantities of unpaid-for stock.

If Old England is going to maintain her throne and her swagger in our vast Orient she ought to pay up like a man, I was going to say; for, according to the old Sanscrit proverb, "You can get nothing for nothing, and deuced little for a halfpenny." These unpaid-for glories bring nothing but shame.

"My dear, of course I don't mean what I say, but I can't help seeing the whole picture: you, so fine and so self-conscious and so so perfect in all your appointments and looking for all you are a little thing, Rose a good inch above every one else and then our poor, good-natured, downright Polly catching sight of her unpaid-for ornaments round your sweet baby throat all the John Bull in her instantly coming to the fore, and she demanding her rights in no measured terms.

Verily, small crimes ought to be punished; but it were more just if our authorities would turn out from our jails and penitentiaries the small villains, the petty criminals, the infantile offenders, the ten-dollar desperadoes, and fill their places with some of these monsters of abomination, who drive their roan span through our fine streets until honest men have to fly to escape being run over; and if they would turn out from their incarceration the poor girls of the town, and put in some of the magnificent ladies who cover up the sidewalk with their unpaid-for fineries, and with scornful look, in the church-aisle, pass the daughters of poverty, who with their faded dress and plain hat dare to come to worship God in the same sanctuary.

"Honest Harry" Meiggs and his brother, the newly-elected City Controller, had sailed away on the yacht "American," leaving behind them an unpaid-for 2000-foot wharf and close to a million in debts; forged city warrants and promissory notes were held by practically every large business house in San Francisco.

At this point he might well have given some attention to 'good works; and if he must mention 'debt, he might well remind them that they sat in an unpaid-for church! "It was plain that he relied upon his anecdotes for the hold upon his audience, and the anecdotes were attached to the main discourse by a very slender thread of connection.

Every circumstance showed him plainly how fettered he really was, although his spirit yearned to belong in gain as well as m name, to that band of "Acephah" that walked the streets of Ottawa, free men under their unpaid-for ulsters and seal caps. No wonder the conversation between Guy and his uncle consisted of a series of laconic monosyllables.

He strongly urged them to stick to their duties, to reprobate extravagance and expense of all sorts, and to practise rigid economy; for "to drink unpaid-for champagne and unpaid-for beer, and to ride unpaid-for horses, is to be a cheat and not a gentleman."

The traveller solemnly extended one hand for the money, and, as it dropped into his palm, with the other shaded his mouth, that no portion of the oracle might fall on unpaid-for ears, and whispered, "Hark ye, brother, GO TO SEA TWENTY YEARS, AS I HAVE." "And thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges."

For Gaylord, resplendent in ice-cream flannels, and Trudy, wearing an unpaid-for black-satin dress with red collar and cuffs, were both busier than the proverbial beaver planning their wedding. It was to be an informal and unexpected little affair, being the direct result of the Gorgeous Girl's demands as to settling her household. "You've no idea how jolly easy it was, Babseley.