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When a man has worked as long as I have in a shoe-shop, and worried as much and as long as I have, good-luck finds him with his earthworks about worn out and his wings hitched on." "Oh, Henry, maybe Dr. Wallace " "Maybe he can unhitch the wings?" inquired Henry, with grotesque irony. "No, Sylvia, no doctor living can give medicine strong enough to cure a man of a lifetime of worry."

Red Wilson had red eyes from fighting the flying sand, and red dust pasted in his scraggy beard, and as he gave his belt an upward hitch little red clouds flew from his gun-sheath. "Yep. An' I left a wheel an' part of the load on the trail," he said. With him were Indians who began to unhitch the teams. Riders lounging in the shade greeted Wilson and inquired for news.

I'm all alone now Mother and Father have gone. Unhitch your horse and put him in the third stall in the stable." Jed hesitated. "I ought to be getting on, I s'pose," he said wistfully. "I hain't done much today " "You must stay to tea," interrupted Mattie. "Why, Jed, there's ever so much to tell and ask. And we can't stand here in the yard and talk. Look at Selena.

They took him to the foolish house in August." Cheerfully the four passengers sprang at the snow-capped rails. The exhorted team tugged the coach up the slant to the door of the edifice from which a mid-summer madness had ravished its proprietor. The driver and two of the passengers began to unhitch. Judge Menefee opened the door of the coach, and removed his hat.

At the sound of his voice the woman peered at him with quick curiousness. "Get your things off," her companion said to her. "I'll unhitch and get the water so we can start cooking." Messner took the thawed salmon outside and fed his dogs. He had to guard them against the second team of dogs, and when he had reentered the cabin the other man had unpacked the sled and fetched water.

"There's Dorry, now," said Aunt Jane, glancing through the kitchen window. Bartley promptly excused himself and stepped out to the gate, which he vaulted and opened as Dorothy waved a greeting. Bartley carried the groceries in, and later helped unhitch the team. They chatted casually neither referring to the subject uppermost in their minds.

Arrived before the house, Franke quickly disappeared in the direction of his home, leaving Felipe to unhitch and unharness alone. But Felipe cared nothing for this. He was supremely happy happy in the return of the long-lost colt, doubly happy in the possession of so fine a horse without outlay of money.

Robert sifted all these harrowing circumstances. "Maybe they weren't stealing the horses," he hazarded. "Don't folks ever unhitch other folks' horses to put 'em in their stable?" Zene drew down the corners of his mouth to express impatience. "But I'd hated to been there," Robert hastened to add.

Bud went over and began to help unhitch the team from the mower, and the driver eyed him sharply while he grinned his greeting across the backs of the horses. "Pop says you're looking for work," Dave Truman observed, coming up. "Well, if you ain't scared of it, I'll stake yuh to a hayfork after dinner. Where yuh from?" "Just right now, I'm from the Muleshoe. Bud Birnie's my name.

When he went outside to get into the buggy he had brought Jack with him he noticed, without paying much attention to it, that Jake Conklin was not there to unhitch the strap and in various other ways to give proof of a desire to ride with him. He set off for Richards' mill, whither, needless to say, Jake and half-a-dozen other urchins had preceded him as fast as their legs could carry them.