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For many a long year, neither Peter nor Ellish, God forgive them, ever troubled themselves about going to their duty. They soon became, however, persons of too much importance to be damned without an effort made for their salvation.

I could not answer for it to our father and mother if we were to live this troubled life long. My darling! we must begin again." There were tears on Rose's cheeks, as well as Graeme's, by this time. But in a little Graeme sat down again. "It is I who have been most to blame. These gay doings never should have commenced.

"I tell the children stories of how the Mastodon once virtually lived in our stable, and that millions of years ago there were Pterodactyls under their bed." "I think it a misfortune for a young woman to have much to say to children about Pterodactyls under their bed is that the name? Such things never seem to have troubled Solomon, and I believe he was reputed wise."

"He had no business to do so," added the impulsive Victor; "I wonder that the horse allowed anyone to ride him except you." George Shelton tried to soothe his troubled friend. "I understand how you feel, Deerfoot, but it looks to me as if it will come out all right. The Nez Perces rode off on their horses, with Whirlwind in the lead.

This night calling at the Temple, at the Auditor's, his man told me that he heard that my account must be brought to the view of the Commissioners of Tangier before it can be passed, which though I know no hurt in it, yet it troubled me lest there should be any or any designed by them who put this into the head of the Auditor, I suppose Auditor Beale, or Creed, because they saw me carrying my account another way than by them.

We need scarcely say that all this was a matter of the deepest curiosity and interest to those who witnessed it; but they were destined to remain with their curiosity unsatisfied for some time after that. When Henry Stuart issued from the cabin of the Avenger after that mysterious interview, his countenance wore a surprised and troubled expression.

Everything was dark around him. Black clouds hung overhead, broken now and then with gleams of pale blue lightning. Once or twice these flashes were bright enough to reveal his features, which were strangely troubled and thoughtful.

And thanks for letting them catch the horse. I'm afraid I've put you to a lot of bother." "Not at all," said Tom, "not at all." He was studying her face. Its expression troubled and moved him strangely, for he was not an analytical person. "I didn't mean to tell you those things when I began," he apologized, "but you wanted to hear them." "I wanted to hear them," repeated Victoria.

I was troubled in thinking about her fate. She had wit and courage, but when experience is wanting wit often leads men to commit acts of great folly. The day after the morrow I took a coach, and posted myself in a corner of the street by which she had to pass.

Her own income was always sufficient for her wants, and the hundred and fifty pounds coming from Sir Magnus had not troubled her much. "Well, my dear, if it must be it must; only what I'm to do with her I do not know." "Take her about in the carriage," said Sir Magnus, who was beginning to be a little angry with this interference. "And the daughter?