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A dead silence fell on the room. Then Peggie Wynne cried out, and Barthorpe suddenly made a spring at Burchill. "You villain!" he said in a low concentrated voice. "You've done me, you devil! Let me get my hands on " The other men, Triffitt on their heels, came bustling into the room, obedient to Davidge's lifted finger. "Put the handcuffs on both of 'em," commanded Davidge.

"Oh, I know of his firm," said Triffitt, busily scribbling. "Halfpenny and Farthing, of course odd combination, isn't it? And that burly gentleman behind them, now who's he?" "That's Professor Cox-Raythwaite, the famous scientist," answered Selwood. "He's also an old friend. The gentleman he's speaking to is Sir Cornelius Debenham, chairman of the World Alliance Association, with which Mr.

"We'll not come within shooting distance," replied Triffitt grimly. "All I want to do is to track him. Of course, if he gets into any vehicle, I'll have to act. Let's draw a bit nearer." Burchill showed no sign of hailing any vehicle; indeed, he showed no sign of anything but cool confidence.

However, Triffitt, bearing in mind what job he was on, was not displeased that the lift had been omitted it is sometimes an advantage to be able to hang over the top rail of a staircase and watch people coming up from below. He stored that fact in his mental reservoirs. And now that he had got into his rooms, he proceeded to seek for more facts.

It was an affair of some five or six floors, and judging from what Triffitt could see of it from two sides, it was not fully occupied at that time, for many of its windows were uncurtained, and there was a certain air of emptiness about the upper storeys.

Triffitt. What?" Trixie, urged towards the cab, showed signs of uneasiness. "Promise me you won't get shot, or poisoned, or anything, Herbert!" she entreated. "If you do " "We aren't going in for any shooting tonight, miss," said Davidge gravely. "Some other night, perhaps. All quiet and serene tonight just a little family gathering, as it were all pleasant!"

He presently followed the footman from the room, and Peggie, for the first time since Jacob Herapath's death, suddenly let her face relax and burst into a hearty laugh. That evening Triffitt got Burchill's address from Carver, and next day he drew a hundred pounds from the cashier of the Argus and went off to Calengrove Mansions. In his mind there was a clear and definite notion.

"Barthorpe Herapath is in touch with Burchill. The dead man's nephew and the dead man's ex-secretary um! Putting their heads together about what?" He was still pondering this question when he reached the office and found a note from Carver who wanted to see him at once. Triffitt went round to the Magnet and got speech with Carver in a quiet corner. Carver went straight to his point.

The thing was what was to be done? Triffitt was as quick of action as of thought in two seconds he had made up his mind. With another warning glance at the startled girls, he bent across the table to Carver. "Carver!" he whispered. "Do exactly what I tell you. When Burchill goes out, Trixie and I'll follow him.

Triffitt, banknotes in pocket, went round again at six-thirty, and was duly conducted Oxford Street way by Carver, who eventually led him into a network of small streets, in which the mews and the stable appeared to be conspicuous features, and to the bar-parlour of a somewhat dingy tavern, at that hour little frequented.