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Brains count out West. Anybody who tries to show off is snubbed. You must do something to be anything in the Middle West; just to have something doesn't count. You don't list your ancestors as you must in Virginia or the Carolinas, but to feel self-respecting you must do something. I was happy to renew my wartime friendships.

And ever since that time the hunters coming home at dusk and looking toward the darkening tundra, sometimes see dwarf people who carry bows and arrows, but who disappear into the ground if one tries to approach them. They are harmless people, never attempting to do anyone an injury.

Moore, "that when he sets himself to work to be disagreeable, he can, without doing one uncourteous thing, be more aggravating than any one I ever saw in my life." "It is perfectly evident that he never tries his airs on you, or you would not speak so. Hear the wind blow!" "It is no use listening to the weather. The house will stand, I suppose. Have you got your work? Then let me read to you.

She stood now by the bedside without a trace of either contrition or resentment in the wooden face that seemed, in recompense for never having been young, to be able successfully to defy the 'antique pencil. Time had made but one or two faint ineffectual scratches there, as one who tries, and then abandons, an unpromising surface. The lack of record in the face lent it something almost cryptic.

If it tries to fly with the wing of religion alone it will land in the slough of superstition, and if it tries to fly with the wing of science alone it will end in the dreary bog of materialism.” Perfect harmony between religion and science is the sine qua non of the higher life for humanity.

He turned again to John Marsh. "Isn't there the English Army to defend you if anybody tries to injure you? What call have you to start another lot of damned volunteers to be makin' ill-feelin' in the country for?" "We must be prepared to defend ourselves," John insisted. "We can't trust the English...." And so they wrangled until Mr.

One neglects no opportunity, tries by every method. On the Britannic side, too, the outlooks are not good; much need Friedrich were through his Prag affair, and "hastening with forty thousand to help his Allies," that is, Royal Highness of Cumberland and Britannic Purse, his only allies at this moment.

Seizes the cards, spreads them on the table, lip quivering, hands trembling, tries to show how five tricks could have been gained, N.B. It is /short/ whist which Captain Barnabas had introduced at the Hall, can't make out more than four; Captain smiles triumphantly; Parson in a passion, and not at all convinced, mixes all the cards together again, and falling back in his chair, groans, with tears in his voice.

"If old Stabber tries any of his tricks with that troop he'll he'll get his belly full!" and Master Sandy plainly intimated both in tone and manner, not to mention the vernacular of the soldier, that Stabber might take liberties with any other troop or company at the post, but would best beware of Daddy's.

The range of the voice is lessened and the singer finds difficulty in reaching the upper tones. In the general debilitation the singer tries, or rather is compelled through weakness, to poise the voice from the cords themselves and not from the diaphragm. Of the other forms of vocal-cord paralysis there is one of great interest, known as hysterical paralysis.