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I immediately repaired to my inn, sent my luggage to the palace, and found myself established in a place in which a great fortune awaited me, if I had only been able to lead a wise and prudent life, but unfortunately it was not in my nature. 'Volentem ducit, nolentem trahit. I naturally felt it my duty to call upon my mentor, Father Georgi, to whom I gave all my good news.

Et, pour habituer le pays de Chrestiens, mena avecq luy de toutes sortes d'artisans, entre lesquelz y avoit un homme, qui fut si malheureux, qu'il trahit son maistre et le mist en dangier d'estre prins des gens du pays.

"Now call me Sir Asinus any longer, if you dare!" he says; and he begins chanting from the open book: "Saltu vincit hinnulos, Damas et capreolos, Super dromedarios, Velox Madianeos! Dum trahit vehicula Multa cum sarcinula, Illius mandibula Dura terit pabula!" "Translate now!" cries Sir Asinus, "and bear testimony to my worth."

I immediately repaired to my inn, sent my luggage to the palace, and found myself established in a place in which a great fortune awaited me, if I had only been able to lead a wise and prudent life, but unfortunately it was not in my nature. 'Volentem ducit, nolentem trahit. I naturally felt it my duty to call upon my mentor, Father Georgi, to whom I gave all my good news.

He had done the same kind of thing a hundred times for her, and, without further discussion, wrote as follows: "L'amour tel qu'une biche blessée, se trahit lui-même par sa crainte, qui fait remuer le feuillage qui le couvre." "Bless me, how pretty!" cried she, and immediately put it into her bosom.

While he is darting and playing around the vessel, a sailor goes out to the spritsailyard-arm, and with a long staff, leaded at one end, and armed at the other with five barbed spikes, he heaves it at him. If successful in his aim, there is a fresh mess for all hands. The dying dolphin affords a superb and brilliant sight: “Mille trahit moriens, adverso sole colores.”

The sub-prefect read the words: Quo me trahit fortuna. Though he was not strong enough in French blazon to know the house that bore that device, Antonin felt sure that the Cinq-Cygnes would not send their chariot, nor the Princess de Cadignan a missive by her maid, except to a person of the highest nobility. "Ha! so you know the maid of the Princess de Cadignan! happy man!" said Antonin.

"Haec realis delatio trahit me quoque ad illam vulgo agitatam quaestionem: An diabolus Lamias corpore per angusta foramina parietum, fenestrarum, portarum aut per cavernas ignifluas ferre queant?" Lamiae praedicto modo saepius fatentur sese a diabolo per caminum aut alia loca angustiora scopis insidentes per aerem ad montem Bructerorum deferri.

SUA QUEMQUE TRAHIT VOLUPTAS. And my visions of preferment, though they may be as unsubstantial at present, are nevertheless more capable of being realized, than your aspirations after the Lord knows what. What says my father's proverb? 'Look to a gown of gold, and you will at least get a sleeve of it. Such is my pursuit; but what dost thou look to?

A la veille des elections... tandis que tous les autres partis faisaient faire leur programme par un petit comite parisien, craignant qu'une grande reunion ne trahit leurs divisions, les monarchistes ont envoye des quatre coins de la France des delegues qui, tous animes du meme esprit, ont adopte par acclamation le programme soumis a leur approbation.