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«Mais derrière ces plans, on voit les couches arquées, qui sont horizontales dans le bas, servir de base au rocher, se relever ensuite sur la droite, et venir en tournant former le faite de ce même rocher

«§ 918. Mais la chaîne centrale n'est pas la seule primitive qu'il y ait de ce côté des Alpes. Du haut du Cramont en se tournant du côté de I'Italie, on voit un entassement de montagnes qui s'étendent aussi loin que peut aller la vue. Parmi ces montagnes on en distingue un au sud-ouest qui est extrêmement élevée: son nom est Ruitor: elle se présente au Cramont

Se tournant vers moy, il se mit a rire, disant: Voyez cette robe noire, qui nous vient dire qu'il ne faut tuer personne. Comme ie regardois attentiuement l'espee et le poignard, il me les fit presenter: Regarde, dit-il, qu'est cela? C'est du sang, repartis-ie. De qui? De quelque Orignac ou d'autre animal. Ils se mocquerent de moy, disants que c'estoit du sang de ce Sorcier de Gaspe.

2nd and 3rd beat. Pass left foot behind right, and chassez forward with it, turning half round to complete the figure en tournant. Finish with right foot in front, and begin over again with left foot.

They were working then upon the Pont Tournant. The Czar industriously examined this work, and remained there a long time. In the afternoon he went to see, at the Palais Royal, Madame, who had sent her compliments to him by her officer. The armchair excepted, she received him as she would have received the King.

The spirit which pervaded the mass was, evidently, by no means unfriendly to the Royal family, and it was as evidently misunderstood by them, for, suddenly, as if by fatality, on the very spot where Louis XVI. was beheaded, just beyond the Pont Tournant, on the pavement of the Obelisk of Luxor, the whole party, with no apparent necessity, came to a dead and complete halt.

In front, the Louvre, the Jardin de l'Infante, and the Carrousel were planted with cannon; and behind, the Pont Tournant and the Place de la Revolution formed a park of reserve. In this position the convention awaited the insurgents. The latter soon encompassed it on several points.

This inconsiderate galopade, as the French term it, was the first signal of the general insurrection. The Pont tournant is destroyed, and the ditch filled up. Leaving the garden of the Tuileries by this issue, we enter the This is the new name given to the Place de Louis XV. After the abolition of royalty in France, it was called the Place de la Revolution.

Gentleman takes his partner round the waist with his right arm; his left hand holds hers, as in the Polka. Lady places left hand on his shoulder, and right hand in his left hand. Begin at once with the figure en tournant. Time 3/4; one step to each beat. First beat in each bar should be slightly marked by the dancers. 1st beat. Slide left foot backwards, towards the left. 2nd beat.

At noon the Emperor and the Empress, followed by their suite, left the Tuileries in the order observed at the coronation, passed down the broad road, over the Pont Tournant, through the Place de la Concorde, to the Champ de Mars. Before their carriage rode the Chasseurs of the Guard and a squadron of Mamelukes; behind it came the mounted grenadiers and the chosen Legion.