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Chat-oué moved a little, and delivered a broadside: "Afteh dat, you betteh leave! Yes, you betteh leave Gran' Point'!" "Sir," said Bonaventure, turning with flushed face, "I stay." "Yes," said the other, "dass righ'; you betteh go way and stay. Magicien," he added as the schoolmaster moved on, "sorcier! Voudou! jackass!" What did all this mean?

Shall I begin, mon sorcier, without further loss of time, to question you?" Without waiting for an answer, he commenced, in stentorian tones. After half-a-dozen questions and answers, he asked: "Whom do I pursue at present?" "Two persons." "Ha! Two? Well, who are they?" "An Englishman, whom if you catch, he will kill you; and a French widow, whom if you find, she will spit in your face."

No doubt, the brilliant and ironic scherzo of the C-sharp minor Symphony, whose verve and passion and vigor make the composer of "L'Apprenti sorcier" seem apprentice indeed, is already characteristic of the composer of the string quartet and the suite for viola and piano. But much of the symphony is derivative. One glimpses the influence of Liszt and Tchaikowsky and Strauss in it.

The quadroon motioned "enough." There was a heat in his eyes which Frowenfeld had never seen before. "M'sieu'," he said, "waid till Agricola Fusilier ees keel." "Do you mean 'dies'?" "No," insisted the quadroon; "listen." "Tale me," said the landlord, as he concluded the recital, "w'y deen Bras Coupé mague dad curze on Agricola Fusilier? Becoze Agricola ees one sorcier!

The peasants dreaded him, and never spoke of him but as the Sorcier, the Vieux Diable; when naughty little children refused to learn their letters or to go to bed, it was only necessary to threaten them with sending for the Père Séguin and his red dog, and the whole of the rosy troop would scamper off to their nursery in an instant.

After a career of fame and honour, she left the stage and devoted herself to teaching, and it is in that period of her life that her compositions appear. Her house in Baden-Baden was the centre of attraction for a circle including not only musicians, but artists, poets, and nobility of the highest rank. There she produced her operettas, "Le Dernier Sorcier," "L'Ogre," and "Trop de Femme."

Se tournant vers moy, il se mit a rire, disant: Voyez cette robe noire, qui nous vient dire qu'il ne faut tuer personne. Comme ie regardois attentiuement l'espee et le poignard, il me les fit presenter: Regarde, dit-il, qu'est cela? C'est du sang, repartis-ie. De qui? De quelque Orignac ou d'autre animal. Ils se mocquerent de moy, disants que c'estoit du sang de ce Sorcier de Gaspe.

He little thought that Orfeo would ever get so far as Paris, so he appropriated the romanza in the first act and introduced it with but slight modifications into his opéra-comique Le Sorcier. Later on Marie Antoinette called Gluck to Paris and thus afforded him the opportunity for the complete development of his genius.