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And if we would study them we must not confine ourselves to a tour of a few cities in North India, interesting as these cities are. The significant economic fact in India is not the millions of dollars once spent on royal palaces but the $7 to $30 spent in building this average peasant's home or hut.

Excitement, and thought, and joy, seem to come at once at its bidding; and the chequered and struggling existence of adult men seems something which it need never enter, and hardly deigns to comprehend. Wordsworth and his friend encountered on this tour many a stirring symbol of the expectancy that was running through the nations of Europe.

I wished them at the devil; but I was still more surprised when the landlord made a low bow, saying, "Happy to see you returned, Mr Newland; you've been away some time another grand tour, I presume." "Yes, Mr , I have had a few adventures since I was last here," replied I, carelessly, "but I am not very well.

We Hugonots," he continued, with affected gravity, "account ourselves less rigid than your self-denying sect, and are sometimes drawn into ceremonies, which our hearts abominate." "No more of this, Eustace," said La Tour; "Mr.

Why, I've just this instant found out " "What?" "That we might have made the tour of the world in only seventy-eight days." "No doubt," returned Mr. Fogg, "by not crossing India. But if I had not crossed India, I should not have saved Aouda. She would not have been my wife, and " Mr. Fogg quietly shut the door.

Amongst those who have a retrospective interest were Mr. and Lady Blanche Balfour, parents of Mr. Arthur Balfour, who came there on their wedding tour in 1843. Mr. Arthur Balfour's father was Mrs. Ellice's first cousin. It would be easy to lengthen the list; but I mention only those who repeated their visits, and who fill up my mental picture of the place and of the life.

M. La Tour, who had been rather left in the background during the last excitement, now came forward and offered to conduct us to a nice little hotel for luncheon, insisting, however, that we should first go with him to see the part of the castle in which Henry II of England died, in the midst of the dissensions of his rebellious sons.

Shelley made about her father and his surroundings were towards this object. Mrs. Shelley's health caused her at times considerable trouble from this period onwards. Harrow had not suited her, and in 1839 she moved to Putney; and the next year, 1840, she was able to make the tour above mentioned, which we cannot do better than refer to at once.

The married Briton on a tour is but a luggage overseer: his luggage is his morning thought, and his nightly terror. When he floats along the Rhine he has one eye on a ruin, and the other on his luggage. When he is in the railroad he is always thinking, or ordered by his wife to think, "is the luggage safe?" It clings round him.

"Write to me often," said the charming creature, "and come back to me as soon as you can." Her father took her to London. Two days before they left, I said good-bye at the rectory and at Browndown; and started once more by the Newhaven and Dieppe route for Paris. I insisted on instantly removing him from Paris, and taking him on a continental tour.