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Oi tought maybe ye'd run off an' left me to rot down in the hole. Whut 's up now, ye freckled-face ilephant, yer?" Brown indulged in a cautious glance about, then stuck his almost boyish face farther down within the safety of the hole before venturing an explanation. "B-B-Bill's g-gone to find s-s-some engi-n-neer w-with nerve 'nough ter r-r-run our lines," he managed to spit out disjointedly.

I tought I owed you enuff before, but it war nothing to dis. Just to tink dat you should take all dat pains to fetch Dinah back for me! I dunno how it came to you to do it. It seems to me like as if you been sent special from heaben to do dis poor nigger good. Words aint no good, sah; but if I could give my life away a hundred times for you I would do it."

I be sorry for you, because I tought you vas His little girl, and mine little girl." Jakie must have spent much time in collecting so many English words, and they were effective, for before he got through repeating them to me, I was as heart-sore and penitent as a child could be.

Dan had overheard the doctor's story and now exclaimed: "No, sah. Massa Vincent de kindest ob masters. If all like him, de slaves eberywhere contented and happy. What was de name of dat man, sah, you was speaking of?" "His name was Jackson," the doctor answered. "I tought so," Dan exclaimed in excitement.

Den he says, 'We'se a-comin' on de creek-road. Put a dim light in de winder facin' dat way, an' as long as we see it burnin' we'll know dat all's quiet an' fav'able, an' tell Missy S'wanee to hab her colors ready. Dey tought I was one oh de Yanks in de dark, when I come in, but gettin' away'll be more tick'lish. Den she say, 'Don't go out ob de doah.

"Dar's whar de coquettations comes in; dat's jis' de subjec' I'm 'proachin' yer wid." "Me!" cried Clo, in delightful innocence. "Laws, I didn't know yer even looked at me; I tought ye was fascinated wid dat Vic." "I'se neber too busy to reserve you, Miss Clorindy," said Dolf; "wherever I may be, whatever my ockipation, I'se eyes fur you.

"'What, said she, and she raised herself up off ob de pillar, and she larfed, and rolled ober and ober, and tosticated about almost in a conniption fit, 'you old goose, said she, 'you onaccountable fool, and den she larfed and rolled ober agin, I tought she would a tumbled off on de floor, 'do go way; you is too foolish to talk to, but turn my pillar again.

As soon as the negro perceived that his master had opened his eyes he gave a cry of delight. "Tank de Lord, Marse Vincent; dis child tought you dead and gone for sure." "What's the matter, Dan? What has happened?" Vincent said, trying to move, and then stopping suddenly with a cry of pain. "You knocked off your horse, sah, wid one of de shells of dem cussed Yanks." "Am I badly hurt, Dan?"

What are you going to do with him if you get him free? They will hunt you down like vermin." "I tought we might get down to de river and get ober somehow. Dere will be no getting troo der cavalry. Dey will hab dem on ebery road." "Well, you want some clothes, anyhow; you can't go about in these soldier clothes.

Sho' 'nuff, wid de fust light of de mawnin', de rebs come ridin' toward de light in de winder. I'd run out to de hill, not far away, ter see what would happen, an' it was so dark yet dat eb'ryting was mixed up wid shadders. When de rebs was a-comin' by de Linkum men in de woods a shot was fired. Den I s'pose de rebs tought it would gib de 'larm, fer dey began ter run dere hosses for'ard.