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Austin had been all the way from Hamstead to White Water that day, stopping on his way back at Wallacetown, to bring Sally, who taught school there, home for over Sunday; his little old horse, never either strong or swift, was tired and hot and muddy, and hung its unkempt head dejectedly, apparently having lost all willingness to drag the dilapidated top-buggy and its two occupants another step.

He knew where we were going, and sped along with our comfortable if old-fashioned top-buggy at a stylish yet self-respecting gait in keeping with the dignity of the occasion. Our first destination was the attractive home of our daughter Winona, who lives eight miles out of town, on a hundred lordly acres.

Rhoda answered whimsically. "It's the silence. It thunders at me so! I will get used to it soon. Perhaps I ought to drive. I suppose I ought to try everything." Not at all discouraged, apparently, by this lack of enthusiasm, Cartwell said: "I won't let you overdo. I'll have the top-buggy for you and we'll go slowly and carefully."

Don't you drive her in a top-buggy, ner 'thout winkers, s' he, 'ner 'thought this bit ef you look to come home behind her. 'N' the fust thing the boss did was to git the top-buggy. "Can't say as I like top-buggies," said Rick; "they don't balance good." "Suit me to a ha'ar," said Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.

I saved him from being lynched for killing a white man who deserved it. But for years he's just hungered for a top-buggy, with side bars and piano box and the whole blamed rig painted bright red, so he can take his squaw out in style; and I'm going to see that he gets it. However, that's neither here nor there. You keep your fingers out of the sugar bowl, old sport.

There was a bend in the road about a quarter of a mile ahead of us, and we waited expectantly, while Whistling Jim, with a cunning for which I did not give him credit, pretended to be fixing his saddle-girth. As we waited a top-buggy rounded the bend in the road and came bowling toward us.

"Top-buggy means the baby's in behind, an' I kin stop while she gathers the pretty flowers yes, an' pick a maouthful, too. The women-folk all say I hev to be humoured, an' -I don't kerry things to the sweatin'-point." "'Course I've no prejudice against a top-buggy s' long 's I can see it," Tedda went on quickly.

She brushed them aside and so pushed on until she could see the road again. A lean, yellow horse, tackled to the shafts of a broken top-buggy with bits of rope as well as worn straps, stood in the roadway. The man on the seat, talking to another on the ground, was Mr. Gedney Raffer, the timberman who was contending at law with Uncle Henry.

Miss Smith suggested a drive to town Bles could take her in the top-buggy after school and she could consult some of the merchants and business men. She could then write her letter and mail it there; it would be but a day or so late getting to New York. "Of course," said Miss Smith drily, slowly folding her napkin, "of course, the only people here are the Cresswells."

It was surprising to see a buggy, but I was more surprised when its occupant turned out to be a woman a woman in a top-buggy, riding between two hostile armies! The lady made no pause whatever, and apparently was not at all surprised to find soldiers in the road ahead of her. She was not large, and yet she had a certain dignity of deportment.