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"'Buy me one thousand Hafricans for the 30th, cries Fred, busting into his broker's; and they were done for him at 4 7/8. "Can't you guess the rest? Haven't you seen the Share List? which says: "'Great Africans, paid 9d.; price 1/4 par. "And that's what came of my pore dear friend Timmins's time-barging. "What'll become of him I can't say; for nobody has seen him since.

Finally he suggested that if Timmins was "no stuck on his Methodisticals," he might join the kirk. "You think that would 'elp?" The cap'en thought that, but he was not prepared to endorse Timmins's following generalization that it didn't much matter what name a man worshipped under. It penetrated down through the aforesaid rubble of disintegration and touched native granite.

Taynton tweaked the paper out of Timmins's hand, and tore it up. It might perhaps seem strange to dear Mills that his partner had been forging his signature, though only in jest. "'Fraid I'm rather late," said Mills. "Not at all, my dear fellow," said Taynton without the slightest touch of ill-humour. "How are you?

Then it appeared that, though all were bruised, torn, and furious, some were inclined to take a mystical joy in persecution, and to find compensation in certain plain and definite predictions as to the eternal fate in store for 'Jerry Timmins's divils. David, on the other hand, was much more inclined to vent his wrath on his own side than on the Timminsites.

"How suddenly he did pop off, one for game, honors easy, he was good for the Spouts' Medal this year, too." "Remember the joke he played on Prof. A., freshman year? "asked another. "Remember he borrowed ten dollars of me about that time," said Timmins's partner, gathering the cards for a new deal. "Guess he is the only one who ever did," retorted some one.

The cap'en modestly bowed to reputation, admitting that he had assisted "a sight of couples over the broomstick," adding, however, that the knack had its drawbacks. There were many door-stones in Zorra that he dared not cross. And he wagged his head over Timmins's case, wisely, as a lawyer ponders over the acceptance of a hopeless brief.

Such a man deserves never to be asked to dinner again; and though at the close of a London season that seems no great loss, and you sicken of a whitebait as you would of a whale yet we must always remember that there's another season coming, and hold our tongues for the present. As for describing, then, the mere victuals on Timmins's table, that would be absurd.

But though, following the cap'en's advice, he joined himself to the elect of Zorra, his change of faith brought him only a change of name. Elder McCakeron officiated at the "christening" which took place in the crowded market the day after Timmins's name had been spread on the kirk register. "An' how is the apoos-tate the morning?" the elder inquired, meeting Timmins.

A pretty sound it is on the staircase to hear 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Odge and Miss 'Odges' pronounced by Billiter, who always leaves his h's out. No, no: see attorneys at your chambers, my dear but what could the poor creatures do in OUR society?" And so, one by one, Timmins's old friends were tried and eliminated by Mrs.

As he walked along, the brightness gradually faded from his face, and by the time he reached the trysting-corner his mood was more in harmony with his case. His face would have graced a funeral. Now Cap'en McKay's farm lay cheek by jowl with the elder's, and as the mariner happened to be fixing his fence at the corner, he noted Timmins's signals of distress.