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Come along down an' take tay wid thim! "'There's damned little sugar in ut! sez my rear-rank man; but Crook heard. "'Have ye not all got spoons? he sez, laughin', an' down we wint as fast as we cud. Learoyd bein' sick at the Base, he, av coorse, was not there." "Thot's a lie!" said Learoyd, dragging his bedstead nearer. "Ah gotten thot theer, an' you knaw it, Mulvaney."

"He wouldn't, Gwenda." "Ay, thot I would. An' 'e knows it, doos Johnny, t' yoong rascal." Gwenda kissed the four children; Jimmy, and Gwendolen Alice, and little Steven and the baby John. They lifted little sticky faces and wiped them on Gwenda's face, and the happy din went on. Ally didn't seem to mind it. She had grown plump and pink and rather like Mary without her subtlety.

In fact, John Browdie's apprehensions were so strong that he determined to ride over to the school without delay, and invited Nicholas to accompany him, which, however, he declined, pleading that his presence might perhaps aggravate the bitterness of their adversity. 'Thot's true! said John; 'I should ne'er ha' thought o' thot.

Thar wuz Harry Glen all his own comrades thot he wuz white 'bout the liver, but I seed the minit I laid my eyes onter him thet he hed ez good, stan'-up stuff in him ez ennybody, w'en he got over his fust flightiness." Had this man some scheme that would bring her lover and her together? "But what do you want of me?" Rachel asked, with all the composure she could summon.

"I know I am, Eliza, but you're just the same as ever; and just look at the kitten I have brought! Have you any here now?" "Cats, is it? Indade we have, then! I'm thinkin' there do be a hundred dozen of thim; they're undher me feet continual! But what kind of a baste is thot ye have there? I niver saw such a woolly one!" "This is a Persian kitten, Eliza, and her name is Puff. Isn't she pretty?"

His expression was one of extreme and fixed good humor, as if his face had been set, mask-like, during a grin. He removed the pipe from his lips. "Gineral, the flag I've been holdin' fer thot dom' young surveyor is the wrong color. I want a green flag." Baxter waved the Irishman to his errand, but General Lodge looked up from the maps and plans before him with a faint smile.

"And help us you certainly did," nodded Merry. "Aided by you, we lost no time in finding the valley and the well in which Mr. Scott was imprisoned." "But it's th' divvil's own doin's there was before thot," said O'Toole. "Oi wur in a bad shcrape whin Oi run inther th' hands av Bantry Hagan an' he marruched me to thot old hut, where Oi was bound hand an' foot.

Thin Oi says, says Oi, 'O'Toole, ye miserable divvil, av ye don't git aven wid thot foine young gint, ye ought to be hanged fer a shnake. Oi knew ye would be thrapped thot same noight, Misther Merriwell, an' Oi rode loike th' ould bhoy to cut yez off an' get me finger in the poie. You remimber pwhat happened."

Give us thee hond, mun; I'm darned but I must shak thee by the hond for thot. Gotten him at thy loodgin'? 'Yes, replied Squeers, staggering in his chair under the congratulatory blow on the chest which the stout Yorkshireman dealt him; 'thankee. Don't do it again. You mean it kindly, I know, but it hurts rather. Yes, there he is. That's not so bad, is it? 'Ba'ad! repeated John Browdie.

I thot I saw Otheller before me all the time he was actin &, when the curtin fell, I found my spectacles was still mistened with salt-water, which had run from my eyes while poor Desdemony was dyin. Betsy Jane Betsy Jane! let us pray that our domestic bliss may never be busted up by a Iago! Edwin Forrest makes money actin out on the stage. He gits five hundred dollars a nite & his board & washin.