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But their rear was safe, because Bragg had withdrawn the supporting army for service elsewhere; while, in their front, the enemy defenses had been almost torn out by the roots in many places under the terrific converging fire of six hundred naval guns for three successive days.

"How all the warnings of history repeat themselves!" he said suddenly.. "An age of mockery, sham sentiment, and irreverence has always preceded a downfall, can it be possible that we are already receiving hints of the downfall of England?" "Aye, not only of England, but of a good many other nations besides," said Villiers "or if not actual downfall, change and terrific upheaval.

She could have shrieked with impatience and anxiety, but she held herself, and waited. "A terrible night, wasn't it?" said Claire, giving Smythe a chair. "Terrific!" replied he. "You know the big pine that hung over the road just this side of Toumine's? Well, it's down, right across the road. I had to ride around it, up among the underbrush."

So engrossed was she in these reflections, that she noticed nothing unusual in the face of the butler who opened the door which had shut upon Luke FitzHenry some years before. "I'm glad you're back, miss," he said gravely. Something in his tone cold and correct caught Eve's attention. "Why?" she asked, and a consoling knowledge that the Terrific was safe in Chatham Dockyard leapt into her mind.

"Urbane" on the lips of Jacob had mysteriously all the shapeliness of a character which Bonamy thought daily more sublime, devastating, terrific than ever, though he was still, and perhaps would be for ever, barbaric, obscure. What superlatives! What adjectives!

Then edging over to the left of the middle of the road, abruptly he shut off power and applied the brakes with all his might. From its terrific speed the cab came to a stop within twice its length. Lanyard was thrown forward against the wheel, but having braced in anticipation, escaped injury and effected instant recovery. The car of the Apaches was upon him in a pulse-beat.

It had thrown out no lava since 1718, if, at least, the eruption spoken of by Moreau de Jonnes took place in the Souffriere. According to him, with a terrific earthquake, clouds of ashes were driven into the air, with violent detonations from a mountain situated at the eastern end of the island. When the eruption had ceased, it was found that the whole mountain had disappeared.

In that port I found a regular trader which sailed once a month to Lerwick, in Shetland. She was a smack, but not equal in size to the craft in which I had come down from London to Leith. We had been out about three days when very heavy thick weather came on, and a south-westerly gale sprung up, which came sweeping through the passage between Orkney and Shetland, kicking up a terrific sea.

He reached out his disengaged hand and added a second grip upon the man's revolver arm. Then, with a terrific jolt, he flung himself backwards, so that he was left in a kneeling position upon the other's middle. Then, in a second, with an agility absolutely staggering, he was on his feet.

Another flash of lightning, followed almost instantaneously by a terrific crash of thunder, brought him to a pause. He was now at the bottom of the hill which he had ascended from the other side, and perceived a distinct and well-trodden path which appeared to lead in a circuitous direction towards the sea.