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The Americans have borrowed from the English, their fathers, the idea of an institution which is unknown upon the continent of Europe: I allude to that of justices of the peace. The justice of the peace is a sort of mezzo termine between the magistrate and the man of the world, between the civil officer and the judge.

Je termine en vous priant de me croire toujours Votre bien affectionne, From the Dean of St. Paul's Deanery, St. Paul's, June 19th. I have ventured to make one or two verbal suggestions, but on the main of your argument I am fully with you. There are only two points which I should propose for your reconsideration.

Sir William Ashton paced up and down the apartment in the most distressing agitation; fear, and shame, and anger contending against the habitual deference he was in the use of rendering to his lady. At length it ended, as is usual with timid minds placed in such circumstances, in his adopting a mezzo termine a middle measure.

Ǥ 449. Le mole se termine

"Wen Dan seed de cunjuh man wuz in a good humor en did n' 'pear ter bear no malice, Dan 'lowed mebbe de cunjuh man had n' foun' out who killt his son, en so he 'termine' fer ter let on lack he did n' know nuffin, en so sezee: "'Hoddy, Unk' Jube? dis ole cunjuh man's name wuz Jube. 'I 's p'utty well, I thank you. How is you feelin' dis mawnin'?

Bankes asked if I had left my name with him. I told him I had, and I believed all the rest had. By some mistake of a servant the summons to the Privy Council did not reach the Duke of Cumberland till the day after the accession, and he was very angry. It had been sent to Kew. He is satisfied now. Goulburn has hit upon a mezzo termine which answers for the present session.

[Footnote 1: "L'extrémité voisine du cardia se termine par une poche très-considérable et doublée

"An' de way fer you ter close yo' do' tightes' ag'inst 'im is ter take me in his place. He ain' got no claim on you no mo'. He tuk his ch'ice 'cordin' ter w'at de lawyer tol' 'im, an' 'termine' dat he wa'n't yo' husban'. Ef he wa'n't yo' husban', he had no right ter take yo' money, an' ef he comes back here ag'in you kin hab 'im tuck up an' sent ter de penitenchy fer stealin' it."

I showed him how the family would suffer if this sentence were carried out, and I concluded by proposing to the Regent a 'mezzo termine', such as he was so fond of. I suggested that the decree ordering death by the wheel should be pronounced.

«§ 1062. A l'extrémité de ces rochers, on voit une grande ravine, ou plutôt une vallée ouverte du nord au midi, dans laquelle coule le torrent de St. Barthelemi. Cette vallée termine les montagnes primitives que je viens de décrire: au-del