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She began to read laboriously and slowly from the book, adding explanatory notes in glib tones. "'July 8. Mister Carrul, tenner, 1 doller. Pade. He's the tenor, you know, to Grace Church. He wanted it to sing in at a sacred concert. His was too short or too long. "'July 11. Miss Lyte and Miss Bobson. 'Tablos. 1 doller. Pade. Mr. Carul knows where they live. 'Twaz him as got the job fer me.

"'Pon me sowl!" he wheezed, poking the young man in the ribs with his stick, an implement which he had grasped a moment before as though he meditated putting it to a less pacific use, "you young divils of business-men are too much for poor old Tobias. Ged, sir, to think of being stuck in the mud for the want of a paltry tenner! Tommy Heathcote will laugh when he hears of it.

That fellow Soames, for instance, would have a fit if you tried to borrow a tenner from him, or, if he didn't have a fit, he looked at you with his cursed supercilious smile, as if you were a lost soul because you were in want of money.

"I won a tenner over that horse." "Knowing the prejudices of your chief, I am surprised at you. Ebenezer Brown detests racehorses." "It runs in the blood, sir. My father was worse than I. He would have owned this paper but for a horse and jockey. The horse would have won the Melbourne Cup but that it did not fall in with the jockey's plans.

No, it is not Tod, he stays on in Aberdeen, for he is a twelve-pound tenner. The two were within a mile of Thrums at three o'clock, but after that they lagged, waiting for the gloaming, when they stole to their homes, ducking as they passed windows without the blinds down. Elspeth ran to Tommy when he appeared in the doorway, and then she got quickly between him and Aaron.

Glancing helplessly about him, the young man obeyed, and approaching Kerry: "I say, officer," he whispered nervously, "can't you manage to keep my name out of it? I mean to say, my people will kick up the deuce. Anything up to a tenner...." The whisper faded away. Kerry's expression had grown positively ferocious.

"An excellent idea," said his parent. "It must be rather slow for you here." Frank got more and more encouraged. "The only trouble is, I find myself rather short of funds." "How much do you want?" The going was too smooth to last, thought Frank. He became cautious. "Oh, a tenner or so, I suppose," he suggested. "A tenner!" exclaimed his father. "Say a fiver, then," said Frank hurriedly.

I've a hundred or two in the Bank of Australasia here, and if you want a tenner aye, or two you can have it straight away; the landlord will cash a cheque for me." Barry gripped the old sailor's hand. "You're a 'white man' as they say here in Australia, a white man to the backbone! And I thank you sincerely, very sincerely, but I don't want it. But I'd like you to know Miss Maynard.

Look what Les. has let himself in for," laughed Ernest; "I wouldn't stand in his shoes for a tenner." "Go on! Surely you too are partial to ladies?" "Yes; but " "But there must be reason in everythink," I quoted. He laughed. "Yes; and reason in this sort of thing to suit my taste would be a small medium.

"Sent yer tel'gram, found out the tenner ye guv me were good, an' got back without the folks gett'n' a single blink at me." "You're some driver, Bub, and you've got a wise head on your shoulders. If you don't talk about this trip, and I don't, no one will ever know, except we two, that the car has been out of the garage."