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He had seen hats in Brunt's marked as high as two guineas; but he had not dreamt that such hats would ever enter his house. While he had been labouring, collecting his rents and arranging for repairs, throughout the length and the breadth of Bursley and Turnhill, she, under pretence of marketing, had been flinging away ten-pound notes at Brunt's.

In the meantime, Bishop Pendle went up to London and drew out of the Ophir Bank a sum of two hundred pounds, in twenty ten-pound notes. With this money he returned to Beorminster and kept an appointment, on the common, with Jentham, when returning on Sunday night from Southberry.

"There's plenty in my money belt," he cried, slapping his sides, "you can hear the ten-pound notes crackle whenever I breathe, and it's all yours, my dear boy, and welcome. And I'll prove to you that the Winchester is the better gun." "All right," returned Stuart, gayly, "and I'll try to prove that the Italians don't know how to govern a native state.

"I had Crawley to stay with me at Christmas, you know," he said. "He's a good fellow; pity he's so awfully poor. He had never been in a decent house before, and was awfully astonished. He had what they call `the keeper's gun, a ten-pound thing; our head-keeper twigged it. Good gun enough, I daresay, but not what a gentleman has for himself. But he could not use it; worst shot I ever met, by Jove!

I left the coffee-house without having said a word or spent a penny, and I went towards the Exchange to get some money. Bosanquet gave me what I wanted directly, and as I walked out with him I noticed a curious-looking individual, whose name I asked. "He's worth a hundred thousand," said the banker. "And who is that other man over there?" "He's not worth a ten-pound note."

"In other words," exclaimed Waymark eagerly, "they owe me some money?" "Which you can do with, eh?" said Abraham, with a twinkle of good-humoured commiseration in his eye. "Perfectly. What are the details?" "There are fifty ten-pound shares. Dividend accordingly twenty pounds." "By Jingo! How is it to be got at?"

The "complete" citizen may be defined as a ten-pound householder, paying scot and bearing lot. The freedom of the City is not, however, attainable by simple residence. It is to be acquired only by three modes by patrimony, by apprenticeship, or by redemption. A royal charter, even, is insufficient to make the grantee free of the City. The freedom of the City is not confined to the male sex.

Unfortunately, the man was not at home. His wife, who seemed somewhat aggrieved at his absence, gave it as her opinion that he was likely to be found in the George Inn. "But it isn't no use your going there for him," she said. "There's a Freemason's dinner tonight, and Jones wouldn't leave that, not if you offered him a ten-pound note." Geoffrey turned to the girl. "Shall we try?" he asked.

I agree with you that this is a peculiar occasion the country with a will of its own political unions that sort of thing but we sometimes cut with rather too sharp a knife, Ladislaw. These ten-pound householders, now: why ten? Draw the line somewhere yes: but why just at ten? That's a difficult question, now, if you go into it." "Of course it is," said Will, impatiently.

Awkwardly, he attached the ten-pound electric device affectionately known to spacemen as the scuttlebug, to the flat ribbon-cable that would both power and guide him to Hot Rod.