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'Twas a pitiful cry a mournful sigh From the home of the silent dead! 'Twas a sad and soulful strain; It made the teardrops start; 'Twas an echo of pain a weird refrain And a song that touched my heart. Poor, fatherless, motherless waifs, Come, dry your tearful eyes! Not in vain, not in vain, have ye sung your refrain; It's echo has pierced the skies!

He pressed her tenderly to him. "Why are your eyes cast down?" The teardrops trembled a moment and fell; the girl turned, and hid her face in the pillow. "Pansy, oh, my love!" he whispered, filled with a burning desire to comfort her. The girl's bare shoulders quivered, and her breast heaved with suppressed sobs.

Sylvie laughed merrily. "What do you mean?" she said. And she pushed back her heavy brown hair with both hands, and looked at him with dancing eyes in which the big teardrops were still glittering. Bruno drew in a long breath, and made up his mouth for a great effort. "I mean revenge," he said: "now oo under'tand."

But the gentle child was gazing down into the water; he was grieved, for Bellerophon's sake, that the hope of another day should be deceived like so many before it, and two or three quiet teardrops fell from his eyes and mingled with what were said to be the many tears of Pirene, when she wept for her slain children.

Two clear teardrops stood in Sri Yukteswar's eyes. "Yogananda, I love you always." "Your answer is my passport to heaven." I felt a weight lift from my heart, dissolved forever at his words. Often had I wondered at his silence. Realizing that he was unemotional and self-contained, yet sometimes I feared I had been unsuccessful in fully satisfying him.

The Aunt Charity you speak of so often where does she live? Is she your mother's sister or your father's?" Anne's laughter shook the teardrops from her lashes. "Why, Miss Drayton," she replied, "I thought you knew. Aunt Charity is black. She was my nurse. She and Uncle Richard he's her husband lived with us from the time I can remember." "Oh!" said Miss Drayton. "But cousins?

The numerous toy villages, with tiny spires projecting out of them, were just as the children might have left them when done with play the day before; the forest tracts were diminished to cushions of moss; one or two big lakes were dwarfed to ponds, the smaller ones to puddles though they did not look like puddles, but like blue teardrops which had fallen and lodged in slight depressions, conformable to their shapes, among the moss-beds and the smooth levels of dainty green farm-land; the microscopic steamboats glided along, as in a city reservoir, taking a mighty time to cover the distance between ports which seemed only a yard apart; and the isthmus which separated two lakes looked as if one might stretch out on it and lie with both elbows in the water, yet we knew invisible wagons were toiling across it and finding the distance a tedious one.

Forgive me if I have angered you. I shall not come here again. The old man felt the teardrops on his face, the heavy woman's tears, hot with anger and sorrow. Gudrun dashed out of the room and mounted. Brandur was left alone in the darkness at mid-day. Yet in his mind's eye he could see the haystack out on the knoll. He rose and went out to feel it. It was still there.

In evening's limpid air, What time the dew's soothings Unto the earth downpour, Invisibly and unheard For tender shoe-gear wear The soothing dews, like all that's kind-gentle : Bethinkst thou then, bethinkst thou, burning heart, How once thou thirstedest For heaven's kindly teardrops and dew's down-droppings, All singed and weary thirstedest, What time on yellow grass-pathways Wicked, occidental sunny glances Through sombre trees about thee sported, Blindingly sunny glow-glances, gladly-hurting?

Eugene wiped away the teardrops glittering on her rosy cheeks, and she sprang off to obey him; while, in the interim, he sent for Flora, and gave her to understand that he would allow no repetition of the deception he had accidentally discovered.