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"I told Tassoc, next morning, what I had discovered, and through the whole of every night, for five nights, we kept a close watch 'round the East Wing; but there was never a sign of anyone prowling about; and all the time, almost from evening to dawn, that grotesque whistling would hoon incredibly, far above us in the darkness.

"He lit a cigarette, and we sat and talked for about an hour; and all the time that noise went on, down at the end of the big corridor. "Suddenly, Tassoc stood up: "'Let's take our guns, and go and examine the brute, he said, and turned toward the door. "'No! I said. 'By Jove no! I can't say anything definite, yet; but I believe that room is about as dangerous as it well can be.

Then I gave the door a sharp push with my foot, as Tassoc had done, and drew my revolver, though I did not expect to have any use for it, really. "I shone the searchlight all 'round the room, and then stepped inside, with a disgustingly horrible feeling of walking slap into a waiting Danger. I stood a few seconds, waiting, and nothing happened, and the empty room showed bare from corner to corner.

The sound seemed to fill all the passage as we drew near, until I had the feeling that the whole air throbbed under the power of some wanton Immense Force a sense of an actual taint, as you might say, of monstrosity all about us. "Tassoc unlocked the door; then, giving it a push with his foot, jumped back, and drew his revolver.

Then I heard it, an extraordinary hooning whistle, monstrous and inhuman, coming from far away through corridors to my right. "'By G d! said Tassoc; 'and it's scarcely dark yet! Collar those candles, both of you, and come along. "In a few moments, we were all out of the door and racing up the stairs. Tassoc turned into a long corridor, and we followed, shielding our candles as we ran.

"I have been spending the last few weeks at Iastrae Castle, about twenty miles northeast of Galway. I got a letter about a month ago from a Mr. Sid K. Tassoc, who it seemed had bought the place lately, and moved in, only to find that he had bought a very peculiar piece of property.

He began then to see the particular way in the room might be dangerous, if it were really the subject of a manifestation. "About an hour later, the whistling ceased quite suddenly, and Tassoc went off again to bed. I went back to mine, also, and eventually got another spell of sleep. "In the morning, I went along to the room. I found the seals on the door intact. Then I went in.

"We talked for a while longer, and then Tassoc suggested billiards, which we played in a pretty half-hearted fashion, and all the time cocking an ear to the door, as you might say, for sounds; but none came, and later, after coffee, he suggested early bed, and a thorough overhaul of the room on the morrow.

It seems that all the servants had left the place, in a body, as you might say, and now they were managing among themselves, assisted by some day-help. "The three of them got together a scratch feed, and Tassoc told me all about the trouble whilst we were at table. It is most extraordinary, and different from anything that I have had to do with; though that Buzzing Case was very queer, too.

I had a confused idea that the call had come from within the shadow of the great fireplace, and I raced across to it; but there was no one there. "'Tassoc! I shouted, and my voice went empty-sounding 'round the great apartment; and then, in a flash, I knew that Tassoc had never called.