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"I should have thought, Quashy," he said, with a return of his wonted gravity, "that a man of a thoughtful and contemplative turn of mind like you would have acquired the power of expressing almost any idea in Spanish by this time." "T'ank you for de compl'ment, massa," replied Quashy, "but I not so clebber as you t'ink. Der am some tings in flosuffy dat beats me.

"He's gettin' on my nerves, too. If he wasn't a friend of the boss, I'd sure take a surcingle and abate him considerable." "Vat you t'ank? I dream' Mr. Speed is ron avay an' broke his leg," volunteered Murphy, the Swede, whose name New Mexico had shortened from Bjorth Kjelliser. "Run away?" "Ya-as!

"God bless ye, me lord, an' may the heavens be your bed!" murmured the astounded lumberjack, as The Laird produced his wallet and counted into Dan's grimy quivering paw ten crisp hundred-dollar bills. "Oh, t'ank you, sor; t'ank you a t'ousand times, sor. An' ye'll promise me, won't ye, to sind for me firrst-off if ye should be wan tin' some blackguard kilt?"

'Poleon smiled after them. When they were out of sight he turned his face up to the brightening sky and said, aloud: "Bon Dieu, I t'ank you for my sister's life." Pierce Phillips awoke from a cramped and troubled slumber to find himself lying upon a pile of baggage in the stern of a skiff.

"De ossifers and men ob de Reindeer will go asho' when you done took de steamer; don't you see dat, massa?" "What shall I do with you then?" asked Christy, as he handed him two sovereigns and two shillings. "T'ank you, sar; dat's a pile ob money!" exclaimed Quimp, as he looked with admiration upon the coins. "It is what I agreed to give you. But what shall I do with you now?

"T'ank God, ba gosh!" and ran his hand up over his wet face. "Where is he?" She started to her knees affrightedly; then, seeing the twisted, sprawling figure beyond, began to shudder. "He he's dead?" "I don' know," said Poleon, carelessly. "You feel it purty good now, eh, w'at?" "Yes I he struck me!" The remembrance of what had occurred surged over her, and she buried her face in her hands.

And next day, rigged out in dry clothes and despatched toward Ipswich on the carrier's cart, he would shake hands awkwardly with any standing near and bob his head and say "T'ank you" again, and go away, monosyllabic, mystic, never to be heard of more.

Allan and I can shift for ourselves, this evening; can't we, Allan? You needn't come back till tomorrow morning." "Ach, t'ank you! T'ank you so mooch, Mr. Hartley." At dinner, Allan got out from under the burden of conversation by questioning his father about the War and luring him into a lengthy dissertation on the difficulties of the forthcoming invasion of Japan.

Did not "John Darby" call them from their firesides or their beds a dozen times every winter, to scramble out across the shingle? As often as not, there was nothing to be done but drag the dead bodies from the surf; but sometimes the dead revived some fair-haired, mystic foreigner from the northern seas, who came to and said, "T'ank you," and nothing else.

And next day, rigged out in dry clothes and despatched toward Ipswich on the carrier's cart, he would shake hands awkwardly with any standing near and bob his head and say "T'ank you" again, and go away, monosyllabic, mystic, never to be heard of more.