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"Bedad, they're in a bad way, sorr," said Mr McCarthy sympathisingly, coming up and helping Mr Meldrum to lift the man out and place him on the beach, where he had already laid down the corpse that had been in the bows, throwing a bit of the sail over it to hide it for the time from observation. "The poor divil can't spake, sure. I wondther which of them it wor?

Our house was burned down by the rioters." This conversation recalled so vividly their past trials, that Esther's eyes grew watery, and she dropped her veil to conceal a tear that was trembling on the lid. "How vewy unfortunate!" said Mr. Western, sympathisingly; "vewy twying, indeed!" then burying his chin in his hand, he sat silently regarding them for a moment or two.

Ain't she a wonner?" "My poor boy!" said the clergyman, sympathisingly. "Ga on! I ain't your boy. Don't know yer; I'm this 'ere bloke's chap, and I ain't a-goin' to be larned by no one else." It was impossible to avoid smiling at this frank declaration, seriously as it was uttered. "When did your mother get into trouble?" asked Jack. "This very afternoon, bless 'er old 'art.

She longed most ardently to get away but, ere she succeeded in escaping from the friendly old noble, two gentlemen hastily entered the brightly lighted entry, at sight of whom her heart seemed to stop beating. The old count, who noticed her blanched face, released her, asking sympathisingly what troubled her, but Els did not hear him.

"He is kind," Miss Harper continued, thoughtfully. "When he was a boy, there never was a softer heart. Poor Frederick!" And the name was uttered with a fondness that Agatha had never noticed in any other of Major Harper's family towards him. It led her to look sympathisingly towards Elizabeth. "Are you uneasy about him? Oh! I do hope nothing is wrong with poor Major Harper."

"You must give him a little more bread to take with him; give him a bit of mine to-morrow," said the grandmother sympathisingly.

But there" she sighed a loud, heaving sigh "we 'ad a friend a dear young friend with us at Aix-les-Bains." "Yes, I know," said Sylvia, sympathisingly. "You know?" Madame Wachner looked at her quickly. "What is it that you know, Madame?" "Madame Wolsky told me about it. Your friend was drowned, was he not? It must have been very sad and dreadful for you and your husband."

That the mother of Alfieri should understand so little seems to have worried her; and when the unsuspecting old lady asked her sympathisingly for news of Charles Edward, she wrote back as follows: "As to my husband, he is better; but I must confess to you, Madame, that I cannot take so lively an interest in him as you suppose, for he made me, during nine years, the most wretched woman that ever lived.

"I know," said Jasper, sympathisingly, "but you'll get a letter, you know, most as soon as we reach port, for they were going to mail it before we left." "And I have one every day in my mail-bag," said Polly, "but I want to see them so, Jasper, I don't know what to do." She went up to the rail at a remove from the Griswolds and leaned over it.

She listened sympathisingly to the servant's lamentation over the marvellous change which had taken place in Heinz since his horse was killed under him.