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Every few moments he would lurch forward and press his nose against the canvas, once falling flat on his masterpiece, most of which was transferred to his chest. But he persevered. Whinney by this time had retired to his darkroom; Baahaabaa and Hitoia-Upa snored; Swank worked and I, from a near-by knoll, watched the miracle of a tropical dawn.

Now Dick and Jerry, each in his own mind, had suspected that Hugh would come back from his trip full of "swank", and each had decided that gently and politely, but very firmly, he would squash the swanker. But there was no sign of the conquering hero about Hugh.

His simplicity, his utter lack of "swank," his directness, his good nature, and dry sense of humour made him shine luminously in comparison with the worldly, rather artificial young men she had previously met young men who said and did only those things which time, tradition, and hallowed memory assured them were done by the right sort of people.

And there's a vast difference between friendliness and what I mean when I say familiarity. When you are familiar I think you act as though you were superior that's what I mean by the word, at least, whether I'm richt or no. And it's astonishing how quickly an audience detects that and, of course, resents it. Your audience will have no swank frae ye no side.

The spiked pickelhauben was conspicuous by its absence and was, we well knew, a thing only of billets and of "swank" parades. In its place was the soft pancake trench cap with its small colored button in the front.

You have an expression, you English I heard it in Paris in a cafe, and inquired its meaning when you say of a man that he swanks. How many young men have I seen here, admirably dressed rich, you would say. No, no. The mont-de-piete permits no secrets. To swank, mademoiselle, what is it? To deceive the world, yes. But not the mont-de-piete.

Dundee crossed the room, stepping over the dead man's stick a swank affair of dark, polished wood, with a heavy knob of carved onyx, which lay about a foot beyond the reach of the curled fingers of the stiff right hand. "Sprague's hat?" he asked, pointing to a brightly banded straw which lay upon the top of the cabinet. "Yes," Strawn answered. "And did you notice the window screen?"

We were all wearing the native costume and Swank, I remember, caught his rigolo on a coral branch and delayed us five minutes. But we were soon on the inner beach laughing over the incident while Babai made repairs. The path up the mountain led through a paradise of tropical wonders.

Swank, who is ultra-modern in his tendencies, was in ecstasies over the naive simplicity of the color scheme. "Look at that red!" he shouted. "Look at that blue!! Look at that yaller!!!" He dove below and I heard rattling of tubes and brushes that told me he was about to commit landscape. This time I knew he couldn't possibly make the colors too violent.

"You've been so sort of curious about her, Court?" Got back last evening. Her Packard automobile met her at the depot up in the city. You'll know her when you see her. Tall girl and fairly good-looking. Puts on an awful lot of 'dog. What is it you fellows in the Army call it? Swunk?" "Swank," said Courtney, rather shortly. He was still smarting under the sting of his afternoon's experience.