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Terry put it up to me, saying I was the sociologist, and I explained that the laws of nature require a struggle for existence, and that in the struggle the fittest survive, and the unfit perish.

"Tut, tut!" warned the parent, raising her finger, "it was cruel, but Otto will survive it, as he has many other times, and before many years he will become so large that his father will not be able to punish him." "I hope he will undertake it, and Otto will knock him " "Stop!" said the mother, more sternly, "you have already allowed your feelings to lead you too far."

The fierce little hungry creature threw her arms round Molly's neck and kissed her like a lover. Molly was melted into tears. "Oh, Bianca, you bewilder, you terrify me! What is this of husbands and your soul?" "Ah, my soul!" cried she. "Do you think so highly of it as to suppose it will survive this marriage, or so lightly as not to care? My soul, poor child, is in the case with your lovely body.

The conservatives were mostly the bald old fellows. Among the illusions that rarely survive a man's hair in Wall Street is the one that "sure things" are necessarily sure. Percival watched Consolidated Copper go back to 110, and bought again ten thousand shares. The price went up two points the day after his orders were placed, and two days later dropped back to 110.

From all soft, easeful beliefs and silken complacencies the last Irish poet breaks away in a book of insurrections. He is doubtful even of love, the greatest orthodoxy of any, which so few have questioned, which has preceded all religions and will survive them all.

All this is so well done, that Young England will survive in literature, and be the source of edification, long after there shall be no more left of the dust of its chiefs than there is of the dust of Cheops or Cæsar. For all these youths are already vanished, leaving no more traces than you would find of the flowers that bloomed in the days of their lives.

In time man will exterminate the rest of the wild creatures of Australia, but this one will probably survive, for man is his friend and lets him alone. Man always has a good reason for his charities towards wild things, human or animal when he has any. In this case the bird is spared because he kills snakes. If L. J. he will not kill all of them.

Randolph that you're better?" "Why, no, dear, of course not! It was just a note of thanks." "What if it was! You could have said that! He'll want to know!" "I think he'll be able to survive the omission." Miss Sterling patted the pillow into shape and smiled over it. "Oh, I saw him yesterday!" Polly broke out. "I forgot to tell you!"

Even though the old hermit had been rough in his ways, Joe thought a good deal of the man. "Cannot you do something, doctor," he pleaded. "Not here. We might do something in a hospital, but he would not survive the journey. He is growing weaker every moment. Be brave, my lad. It is a terrible trial, I know, but you must remember that all things are for the best."

Unbeknownst to her, she had just witnessed one of those little modern tragedies as intense in their way as any Caesarian welter of blood; she had seen a plain little man, one of the negligible millions, being "squeezed," in other words the operation in an ordinary case of the divine law of survival. Freke was to survive; Simonds was not.