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Karamazov, that it is of vital importance for us to know,” said Nikolay Parfenovitch, softly and suavely. “I understand; but still I won’t tell you.” The prosecutor, too, intervened, and again reminded the prisoner that he was at liberty to refuse to answer questions, if he thought it to his interest, and so on.

'My thanks are due to you, dear lady, for gracing this poor house with your presence. His tone was more suavely courteous. For an instant he looked at her, and his lips set themselves in something meant for a smile. 'This is the end of our journey? she asked. 'For some days if the place does not displease you.

Days back in Arcadia Diane remembered the Baron had suavely spoken of his kingdom, and Philip had told her much. There was a mad king without issue upon the throne. There were two brothers of the mad king, each of whom had a son. Theodomir, then, had been the son of the elder, Ronador of the younger. Theodomir had fled at the death of his father, unwilling to take up the regency under a mad king.

There may be some such connection in this case. I should like the opportunity of assuring myself there is not." She said nothing; I thought I understood why. More suavely yet, I continued, with a slight, a very slight movement toward the door: "Rarely have I had the pleasure of listening to such a tale read by such an interpreter. It will always remain in my memory, Mrs. Carew.

"You can understand," said Holmes suavely, "that I extend to the affairs of my other clients the same secrecy which I promise to you in yours." "Of course! Very right! very right! I'm sure I beg pardon. As to my own case, I am ready to give you any information which may assist you in forming an opinion." "Thank you. I have already learned all that is in the public prints, nothing more.

We used to canvass whether his wife bullied him or whether he had chronic indigestion. I continued rapping with my knuckles, and he came to the wicket to glare in at me. "I told you to out that out," he snarled. "Sorry," I said suavely. "But I have a sort of premonition that I shall go right on rapping. And er excuse me for asking a personal question what are you going to do about it?"

"Your family mightn't like it," giggled Miss Qian. "I know lots of things about my own people which would read delightfully if Mr. Beecot set them down, but then " she shrugged her dainty shoulders, "oh, dear me, what a row there would be!" "I suppose there is a skeleton in every cupboard," said Hay, suavely, and quite ignoring the shady tenant in his own.

Why do I usually come to see you? Surely you have had no cause to complain hitherto of the unprofitableness of my visits to you?" "They will have to be still more profitable to me in the future," growled the other across the table. "I have more power now." "I know you have," said de Batz suavely. "The new decree? What?

Day," said the faded-out lady, simpering. "I've been considerin' acceptin' a position such as you have. Of course, I ain't used to working out " "Oh, fiddlesticks? put in Miss Peckham, "He don't care nothin' about that, Sophrony. He can see you ain't no common servant." "Assuredly I can see that, Mrs. Watkins," said Mr. Day, suavely.

Men may be counted on for falling bowled over by a handsome face and pointed tongue; women require some wooing from their ensphered and charioted sister, particularly if she is clouded; and old women excellent buttresses must be suavely courted.