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He saw little Dick and Hilda seated on the lowest step of the veranda; and, seeing him entering the gate, the child rose and slowly limped toward him. "Dick got a stomach-ache," the boy said, a wry look on his rather sallow and pinched face. Mostyn paused and bent down.

They are needed in the case of abscesses which it is wished to bring to a head; they are sometimes applied over wounds which are in an unhealthy condition, or from which it is desired to keep up a discharge. They soothe the pain of stomach-ache from any cause, and are of most essential service when constantly applied in many forms of chest inflammation.

He was the first of the accused to be questioned. It was brought out that he had been a soldier under the Republic, and then for a time had studied pharmacy. He had been a corn-merchant in a small way, and then had started schoolmaster. Endeavour was made to get him to admit guilty knowledge of the death of the Lescure girl. He had never even heard of an abortion. The girl had a stomach-ache.

I soon felt myself elevated on the wings of a celestial inspiration, took out my pocket-book, and, oh! wondrous gift of poetry the love-despair and the stomach-ache both disappeared at once. I shall content myself with writing out for you only the last of these poems; it will inspire you with heavenly hope, as it did myself.

A violent contraction of the lunar crust, while cooling, might suffice to imprint this gigantic star." "A contraction! something like a lunar stomach-ache." said Michel Ardan. "Besides," added Barbicane, "this opinion is that of an English savant, Nasmyth, and it seems to me to sufficiently explain the radiation of these mountains." "That Nasmyth was no fool!" replied Michel.

He would buy 5 cents worth of Stick Candy and place it judiciously, so that at Nightfall the other boys would have Blisters and the Stomach-Ache, while Hez would have 20 cents salted away in the Tin Bank.

The bear, thinking some one had fired a gun at him, dropped the khichri pot into the cottage yard, and fled into the forest as fast as his legs would carry him. So the woodman and his wife got the khichri, the wood, and the coveted pears, but the poor bear got nothing but a very bad stomach-ache from eating unripe fruit.

He was indulged in all his caprices, howsoever troublesome and exasperating they might be; he was allowed to eat anything he wanted, particularly things that would give him the stomach-ache. When he got to be old enough to begin to toddle about and say broken words and get an idea of what his hands were for, he was a more consummate pest than ever. Roxy got no rest while he was awake.

Both the females regarded him with great surprise, and not without some alarm. "He has the stomach-ache," sais I, in French, "he is subject to it." "Oh! oh!" said he, when he heard that, "oh, Mr Slick, you will be the death of me." "Have you got any peppermint?" sais I.

Never was there such a long twilight; never before did he hear so many sounds outdoors that he wanted to investigate. Being ill without any illness was a horrible condition. And he began to have real stomach-ache now; and it ached because it was empty. John was hungry enough to have eaten the New England Primer.