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"Just wait, that's all, an' you'll be fool enough to get married some day, like me, an' then you'll get yours an' it'll be brats, an' brats, an' brats, an' no more dancin', an' silk stockin's, an' three pairs of shoes at one time. You've got a cinch-nobody to think of but your own precious self an' a lot of young hoodlums makin' eyes at you an' tellin' you how beautiful your eyes are. Huh!

It won't be long before you'll think yourself lucky to go sloppin' around in Congress gaiters and cotton stockin's two pair for a quarter." "Oh, I'm not afraid of Billy not being able to keep me in all kinds of shoes," Saxon retorted with a proud toss of her head. "You don't know what you're talkin' about." Sarah paused to laugh in mirthless discordance. "Watch for the babies to come.

I must go back now to Tony an' the weedin'. When you get cleared up round here, there's plenty of mendin' to be done. You'll find that hamper full of stockin's to be darned." After Ellen had gone out, Lucy did not rise immediately from the table, but sat watching the clouds that foamed up behind the maples on the crest of the nearby hill.

"You were carried away in a boat once, and I don't want it to happen again. Keep away from the boats." "We will!" promised Mun Bun and Margy. When they reached the shore of the inlet Mun Bun said: "Oh, Margy, look how low the water is! We can wade over to that little island!" "Yes," agreed Margy, "we can. We can take off our shoes an' stockin's, an' carry 'em.

Eh!" she went on, still louder, as she caught up her knitting from the table, "but she'll ne'er knit the lad's stockin's, nor foot 'em nayther, while I live; an' when I'm gone, he'll bethink him as nobody 'ull ne'er fit's leg an' foot as his old mother did. She'll know nothin' o' narrowin' an' heelin', I warrand, an' she'll make a long toe as he canna get's boot on.

"She 's no needin' a man tae keep her," and Hillocks proceeded to review the situation, "for Becca's hed a gude place, an' she disna fling awa' her siller on dress. As for John, a' canna mak him oot, for he gets his stockin's darned and his white stock dune as weel an' maybe better than if he wes mairried." The kirkyard could see no solution of the problem, and Hillocks grew pessimistic.

Miss Margery was at her sternest. "Peggy done it and she's cried herself 'most sick. 'Twas yestiddy. I'd gone to take home some sewin'. Peg she's been possessed to show that doll to the Flannagan children. Bein' as I was gone and Lois 'sleep, she slipped out. And while they were all mirationin' over the doll's shoes and stockin's, that low-down Flannagan dog grabbed the doll and made off with it.

"Good gracious, I declare!" ejaculated Mrs. Quincy, "if it ain't Mrs. Lenox! Come right in. I'm just washin' out my under-flannels and my stockin's. I can't bear the slovenly ways of servants, and it's only myself as can do 'em to suit myself. There, Sarah, you take the things away, and I'll let you rinse 'em out this once. And mind you do it good. Be sure to use four rinsin's.

'Don't envy 'im, m'self! As one giving her credentials, she went on, 'I'm a Pore Law Guardian 'Think o' that, now! Gracious me! A friendly person in the crowd turned upon the scoffer. 'Shut up, cawn't yer. 'Not fur you! Further statements on the part of the orator were drowned by 'Go 'ome and darn your ol' man's stockin's. 'Just clean yer own doorstep.

"Hi used thirty rounds goin' down that valley," said Ortheris, "an' it was gentleman's work. Might 'a' done it in a white 'andkerchief an' pink silk stockin's, that part. Hi was on in that piece." "You could ha' heard the Tyrone yellin' a mile away," said Mulvaney, "an' 'twas all their Sargints cud do to get thim off. They was mad mad mad!