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He waited until the cloud sank, then he said, "Do you know but you cannot know what it is to be sent from pillar to post and wait in antechambers where the air stifles, and doff cap who have been captain of ships! to chamberlain, page and lackey? To be called dreamer, adventurer, dicer! To hear the laugh and catch the sneer!

"That earthly paradise of the Montanvert was far from us, where I had been able in less time than it would take to walk over a quadrille, to expose her to death, to save her afterward, and finally to say to her 'I love you! Passion in drawing-rooms is not allowed those free, dramatic ways; flowers fade in the candle-light; the oppressive atmosphere of balls and fetes stifles the heart, so ready to dilate in pure mountain air.

She said it lightly, but in the undercurrent of her voice was a heavier note, a ring deeper than any ever given mere play of words. "Bess!... You can't dare me! Wait till I come back with supplies then roll the stone." "I was in fun." Her voice now throbbed low. "Always you must be free to go when you will. Go now... this place presses on me stifles me."

The investigator of truth is little subject to the disappointments which await the ambitious man in other fields of activity. It is pleasant to be one of a brotherhood extending over the world, in which no rivalry exists except that which comes out of trying to do better work than any one else, while mutual admiration stifles jealousy.

For how could it happen, but from some universally established public prejudice, which always overrules and stifles the private sense of men, that a whole nation should deliberately think it a wise measure to quit their country in a body, that they might obtain in a foreign land a settlement which must wholly depend upon the chance of war?

Self-interest stifles all compassion, as it does in children, but the government service adds hypocrisy to boot. The clerks of the bureau Baudoyer arrived at eight o'clock in the morning, whereas those of the bureau Rabourdin seldom appeared till nine, a circumstance which did not prevent the work in the latter office from being more rapidly dispatched than that of the former.

BODY Short between the couplings, well let down in chest, ribs fairly well sprung and well ribbed up, with powerful and not tucked-up loins. HIND-QUARTERS Very muscular about the thighs, stifles and hocks well bent, and hocks well let down. FORE-LEGS Quite straight, well under the dog, of good substance and round in the bone. FEET Round, well knuckled up, and strongly padded.

Their high spirited gaiety and inexhaustible fun and humour and their overflow of good-nature stifles criticism. Dickens's object in writing The Pickwick Papers he assured us in the preface was "to place before the reader a constant succession of characters and incidents; to paint them in as vivid colours as he could command, and to render them, at the same time, life-like and amusing."

Her affection stifles me at times.... You can't understand that, of course; you think I'm ungrateful, no doubt; and that I ought " "You appear to me, a monster of selfishness," Wesley Elliot broke in. "You ought to stop thinking of yourself and think of her." Bolton's face drew itself into the mirthless wrinkles which passed for a smile. "I'm coming to that," he said with some eagerness.

It would be a curious study for the moralist to observe how the first thought of crime develops itself in the recesses of the human heart, and how this poisoned germ grows and stifles all other sentiments; an impressive lesson might be gathered from this struggle of two opposing principles, however weak it may be, in perverted natures.