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"The coach sent me after your statement of my standing. We've got a bunch of sticklers to fight today." "I have turned in my report," Burgess responded coldly. "So the coach said, all but mine. I'm late. May I have my report now?" Vic urged, trying to be composed. "I have no further report for you."

They are taught these things as kittens, and since cats are as great sticklers for propriety and gentle manners as any human beings can be, they never forget it. Doubtless, this is easier because they are always well fed, but Thomas Erastus or Jane would have to be on the verge of starvation, I am sure, before they would "grab" from one of the other cats.

The Queen, by her wit and her courage, had circumvented all the royal old sticklers for precedence who put etiquette before nature. The Queen's mother, and her uncle and aunt, the King and Queen of Belgium, were present, so it was quite a family-party. The good Uncle Leopold was observed to smile benignly on both Victoria and Albert, as though well pleased with his work.

Indeed, her candle of vital religion had well-nigh flickered out. Scarcely a member could be found who would testify to a real experience of salvation from sin. There were three things for which the members of this particular church were remarkable, namely, they were great sticklers for the faith of their church, they were all holiness-fighters, they all used tobacco in some form.

The Scotch of our regiment are great sticklers for such things; and my opinion of Jasper is changing so fast, that I begin to fear there must be some truth in their doctrines." "But you've been talking with Duncan of Lundie concerning Jasper, and his words have raised misgivings."

On this the sticklers professed their willingness to accept the original terms, and the bargain was concluded, thus leaving the Company in possession of the rights of way for two tunnels, both of which they propose to utilise. The liberal policy of the directors is deserving of the highest commendation.

Imperial sanction was obtained for this stroke of priestly cunning; and notwithstanding protests continually repeated by orthodox sticklers for accuracy in the religious canon, the composite deity has maintained his claims intact, and an inseparable connexion between the God of Literature created by imperial patent and the spirit lodged among the stars of Ursa Major is fully recognized in the State ceremonial of the present day."

This, however, I prefer to do without assistance, owing to a large stock of native modesty. I never fell among people more devoted in their attentions; their only thought during my stay is to make me comfortable; but they are very ceremonious and great sticklers for etiquette.

On this ingenious representation, the council supposed that the drawer on whose information the proceedings were taken had failed to catch the last word of the toast; and consequently the young gentlemen were dismissed with a 'light admonition, much to their own surprise and the informer's chagrin. The chief sticklers for the said addition were Sir William Seroggs, Jun., Robert Fairebeard, Capt.

From the days when Alexander Wedderburn, in his new silk gown, to the scandal of all sticklers for professional etiquette, made a daring but futile attempt to seize the lead of the circuit which seventeen years later he rode as judge, 'The Northern' had maintained the prestige of being the most important of the English circuits.