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I'll go when I'm ready." Doble drank steadily throughout the night. He was the kind of drinker that can take an incredible amount of liquor without becoming helpless. He remained steady on his feet, growing uglier and more reckless every hour. Tied to Doble because he dared not break away from him, Steelman's busy brain began to plot a way to take advantage of this man's weakness for liquor.

Thereat the whole court broke into an outcry; that any workman should be supposed to turn out any kind of work surpassing Steelman's was rank heresy, and Master Headley bluntly told Giles that he knew not what he was talking of! He might perhaps purchase the blade by way of courtesy and return of kindness, but good English workmanship for him!

"I dunno as I need to drive you home," Steelman said slowly, feeling his way to a decision. "You know the way better'n I do." The eyes of the two leaders met. "You'll drive," the cattleman repeated steadily. The weak spot in Steelman's leadership was that he was personally not game. Crawford had a pungent personality. He was dynamic, strong, master of himself in any emergency.

Thereat the whole court broke into an outcry; that any workman should be supposed to turn out any kind of work surpassing Steelman's was rank heresy, and Master Headley bluntly told Giles that he knew not what he was talking of! He might perhaps purchase the blade by way of courtesy and return of kindness, but good English workmanship for him!

"The trouble is we haven't." "Well, you'll have to learn to look like you knew where it grew on bushes," Emerson told him, grinning. "I can see you've chosen me for a nice lazy job." "Anything but that, son. You don't want to make any mistake about this thing. Brad Steelman's goin' to fight like a son-of-a-gun. He'll strike at our credit and at our market and at our means of transportation.

His shoulder throbbed a good deal. After a time Bob joined him. Faintly there came to them the sound of an engine thumping. "Steelman's outfit," said Hart gloomily. "His li'l' old engine goes right on kickin' all the darned time. If he gets to oil first we lose. Man who makes first discovery on a claim wins out in this country." "How's that? Didn't you locate properly?"

"Ten thousand shares." "How did you get it?" "It was voted me by the directors for saving Jackpot Number Three from an attack of Steelman's men." Graham's gaze bored into the eyes of his caller. He waited just a moment to give his question full emphasis. "Mr. Sanders, what were you doing six months ago?" "I was serving time in the penitentiary," came the immediate quiet retort. "What for?"

Engines were mysteriously smashed. The sabotage was skillful. Steelman's agents left no evidence that could be used against them. More than one of them, Hart and Sanders agreed, were spies who had found employment with the Jackpot. One or two men were discharged on suspicion, even though complete evidence against them was lacking.

I know it is, but I can't prove it." Hart, moving swiftly down the street, waved a hand at his friend as he passed. Without turning his attention from Joyce Crawford, Dave acknowledged the signal. "How do you know it?" "Steelman's men have been watching our house. They were hanging around at different times day before yesterday. This man Shorty was one."

Smith, who'd been away on his own account, turned up in the town one day clean broke, and in a deplorable state. He heard of Steelman's luck, and thought he was "all right," so went to his old friend. Cold type or any other kind of type couldn't do justice to Steelman's disgust. To think that this was the reward of all the time and trouble he'd spent on Smith's education!