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He was loyal to the hand that paid him, he stood by his pals, and he believed in and after his own fashion loved cattle and the life of which they were the central fact. To destroy the range feed wantonly was a crime so nefarious that he could not believe Doble guilty of it. And yet He could not let the matter lie in doubt. He left the tendejon and rode to Steelman's house.

He rolled his cigarette and lit it. "I reckon Steelman's a millionaire now on paper, anyhow. He was about busted when he got busy in oil. He was lucky right off, and he's crooked as a dawg's hind laig don't care how he gets his, so he gets it. He sure trimmed the suckers a-plenty." "He and Crawford are still unfriendly," Dave suggested, the inflection of his voice making the statement a question.

Seventeen is sometimes so much older than twenty. "Tha's what us D Bar Lazy R boys are ridin' with yore paw's outfit for, Miss to be handy when he needs us," Bob added in his turn. "We're sure tickled we got a chanct to go to Brad Steelman's party. I'm ce'tainly glad to 'a' met you, Miss Joyce." He ducked his head and scraped back a foot in what was meant to be a bow.

The man Shorty was speaking, and in a tone of honeyed conciliation. It was quite plain he did not want a scene on the street. "That's a lie." The voice of the girl broke for an instant to a sob. "Do you think I don't know you're Brad Steelman's handy man, that you do his meanness for him when he snaps his fingers?" "You sure do click yore heels mighty loud, Miss."

Some of Steelman's fine work in that rumor, I'll bet. He's crazy if he thinks he can get away with that. Tha's plumb foolish talk. What evidence does he claim?" demanded Hart. "Em deposited ten thousand with the First National to pay off a note he owed the bank. Rode into town right straight to the bank two hours after the stage got in.

When Smith was going home, he said: "Look here, Steely, old man. Listen to the rain! I'll get wringing wet going home. You might as well lend me your overcoat to-night. You won't want it, and I won't hurt it." And, Steelman's heart being warmed by his successes, he lent the overcoat. Smith went and pawned it, got glorious on the proceeds, and took the pawn-ticket to Steelman next day.