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I am altogether too much occupied with an important scientific investigation to devote any considerable part of an evening to star-gazing. Oh, indeed, said I, and may I venture to ask on what particular point you are engaged just at present? -Certainly, sir, you may. It is, I suppose, as difficult and important a matter to be investigated as often comes before a student of natural history.

I don't even object to the woman herself; she may be too good for Bellew; she must be too good for a fellow like that! But for George to marry her would be ruination. Look at Lady Rose's case! Anyone but a star-gazing fellow like Vigil must see that! It's taboo! It's sheer taboo! And think think of my my grandson! No, no, Paramor; no, no, by God!" The Squire covered his eyes with his hand. Mr.

When things had arrived at this happy stage, the Captain, who had been put in a fidget by the crowd clustering round `a pack of star-gazing fools' as he whispered pretty audibly to Mrs Gilmour thought it was time to make a move. "Hellyer, you and your shipmate had better call round at my house in the morning," he said to his old coxswain, the elder of the two coastguardsmen.

"You don't know how deep that place is nor where it will land you." "H'm! I never noticed it. It does seem deep, doesn't it? I wonder how far down it goes, and what's at the end? Water, do you suppose?" "I don't know, I'm sure," said Jack, "but you might have had a bad fall, my boy. You don't want to go star-gazing like that in strange places. You never know what may be in the way.

I for my part was wondering why I had not heard of Miss Belsize or this engagement from Raffles. He must himself have heard of it last thing at night in the next room, while I was star-gazing here at the open window. Yet in all the small hours he had never told me of a circumstance which extenuated young Garland's conduct if it did nothing else.

I perceived, however, that astronomy did not consist in star-gazing, and as I persevered in studying the book for a time, I certainly got a dim view of several subjects which were useful to me afterwards.

What would crush a weaker man only serves to arm his bold spirit. He can bear all that may befall, and it would be a crime to deceive him." "To cloud his heart and mind would be a greater," retorted Verus. "Devise some means of taking him away from his star-gazing for only an hour." "I dare not, and even if I wished it, it could not be done. Do you suppose he follows me whenever I call?"

I believe that trying to discover things" and she used "things" with the majestic comprehensiveness of the female mind "is generally bad for man. If it is good for us to be noblemen and rich, then Providence will bring us to that station; but to try to prove one's self a nobleman is like star-gazing and fortune-telling. Idolatry is as the sin of witchcraft.

"It is a beautiful night. You will not catch cold if you are well wrapped up, and, no matter what you may think of the real Cross when you see it, you will never have a better chance of star-gazing. Look at Sirius up there, brighter than the moon; and Orion, too, incomparably grander than any star in southern latitudes.

A Moor of some means came by, riding at a hard-held ambling walk his star-gazing white mule: the high-peaked saddle and bridle were of scarlet cloth, the stirrup-leathers of scarlet twisted wool; he wore a creamy woollen haik, falling in soft folds down to his yellow slippers, a turban whose snowy disc of enormous size framed his cinnamon-coloured face in symmetrical folds of spotless white, and the top of a scarlet fez showed in the centre of it.