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But that official looked at the clear sky, and thought he would do five to one in twenties himself. Lusk accommodated him, and then Ogden, and then me. None of us could very well be stake-holder, but we registered our bets, and promised to procure an uninterested man by eight next morning. I have seldom had so much trouble, and I never saw such a universal search for ready money.

"Certainly, if you choose to exercise it." "I do so intend. And I should be vastly pleased if Mr. Berkeley Craven will consent to be stake-holder." That gentleman having willingly given his consent, the final formalities which led up to these humble tournaments were concluded.

I finally persuaded the drayman to show me the hunchback's tavern, and promised to come back and wrestle after I had found him; to which the stake-holder agreed, but all the rest refused to consent, and the money was given back to the subscribers. The drayman, Bill and I went off together to find the tavern which we finally did.

Dorsey snapped, jerking a wad of money from his own pocket and counting out the amount which he handed to the clerk as stake-holder. "And here's another hundred or a thousand if you want it!" "That two hundred is about all I can handle this morning," Chuck laughed. "But I understand Old Heck's aiming to bet a little," he drawled suggestively; "probably you'd like to see him?"

Within ten minutes Bert and Charley had placed two hundred and fifty dollars each against five hundred of Sabota's money that the Vermejo stallion would not finish in first place in the big race. Old Judge Ivory, who happened to be present, was agreed upon as stake-holder. "That Thunderbolt horse, he is the devil," Sabota laughed evilly as the money was handed over to the gray-haired judge.

The bet was made, and according to a singular but long-established family custom, Tom had to be stake-holder. Hilda became troubled and apprehensive. She hoped that Charlie would lose, and then she hoped that he would win.

'Aweel, the ancient continued, 'the Meenister can be the stake-holder, an' the landlord can set ye awa as the clock strikes twalve the morrow nicht. If ye win through to the manse your lane ye'll hae won my shillin'; if no', the Meenister will hae a sovereign i' the ladle next Sawbath.

The judges were chosen and the money was deposited in the hands of a stake-holder. The race was to be a single dash, of a mile. The horses were brought side by side and mounted by their riders. At the signal "One, two, three, go!" off they started like a flash. The Missouri horse took the lead for the first quarter of a mile; at the half-mile, however, he began to weaken.

"The kid's crazy mad. He'll bet the shirt off his back if yuh egg him on a little more." Jeff must have decided to "egg" Bud on. By the time the crowd had reached the course, and the first, more commonplace races were over, the other half of his money was in the hands of the stake-holder, who happened on this day to be Jerry. And the odds varied from four to one up to Jeff Hall's scornful fifteen.

'Done! cried the noble gull. 'Within ten minutes. 'Done! responded Sir Mulberry. The money was produced on both sides, and the Honourable Mr Snobb was elected to the double office of stake-holder and time-keeper. 'Pray, said Kate, in great confusion, while these preliminaries were in course of completion. 'Pray do not make me the subject of any bets. Uncle, I cannot really