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They went staggeringly, not because of the weight, but by reason of the giddiness which assailed Paul.

At last he, too, had to give in. They were too weak to carry the sacks they had partially filled across the island, owing to the effects of the black barren, and staggeringly they hid them to call for them at a later time. "I thought so," said the professor, as the hidden watchers saw Masterson and the other two wearily clamber up the slope.

The she bear became finally somewhat quieted; she tore less angrily at the tree and made less of the terrible clamor which had for the moment driven from the immediate region all the inmates of the wood, for none save the cave tiger cared to be in the immediate neighborhood of the cave bear. Her roars changed into roaring growls, and she wandered staggeringly about.

No man could have performed such a feat without a cold brain, soundly beating heart, and nerves of steel. It was not an act of red-hot heroism. It was done in cold blood, a deliberate gamble with death on a thousand to one chance. It was staggeringly brave. I told the story to Mrs. Boyce. Her comment was characteristic: "But surely they would have to surrender if called upon by a British Officer."

The loose end whipped the length of the yawl viciously and threw two of the crew flat into the boat's bottom. The oars were out. Ensign MacMasters yelled an order to pull. Philip Morgan and Al Torrance found themselves throwing their entire strength against the oars. The raft rose staggeringly upon the huge wave behind the boat. Mr.

"But I love to dream," said Roy; and his father laughed. "You're not so staggeringly changed inside! As sure as a gun, you'll be late for breakfast!" And he did dream. The moment his lids fell she was there with him, under the beeches, their sanctuary she who all day had hovered on the confines of his spirit, like a light, felt not seen.

Then, as if overcome with grief at the recollection of her widowhood, she plucked away her hand, covered her eyes, and moved staggeringly out of the room. And Cleek saw no more of her that day; but he knew when she performed her orisons before the mummy case as she did each morning and evening by the strong, pungent odour of incense drifting through the house and filling it with a sickly scent.

On one of these occasions I abandoned a post no longer tenable, and went into the small saloon close by, to seek a dry spot whereon to finish the night, I found it occupied by a ghastly man, with long, wild gray hair, and a white face striding staggeringly up and down moaning to himself in a harsh, hollow voice, "No rest; I can't rest."

Rushing to him, I snatched his senseless body from the ground, and dragged it, staggeringly, towards the door which opened on to the yard. Flinging the door open, I got him into the open air. As I did so, I found myself confronted by someone who stood outside. It was Lessingham's mysterious Egypto-Arabian friend, my morning's visitor.

The old scout held back the company leaders and rode into the stream alone, step by step, scanning the bottom. He found it firm. He saw wheel marks on the first island. His horse, ears ahead, saw them also, and staggeringly felt out the way. Belly-deep and passable yes. Bridger turned and moved a wide arm. The foremost wagons came on to the edge.