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"By George!" exclaimed one of the brakemen. "The little girl's right. That spells 'Help! plain enough." "It it is written in something red, sir," cried Ruth, her voice trembling. "See! It is blood!" "I tell you we've wasted a lot of time here," declared the conductor. "I am sorry if anybody is hurt, but we cannot stop for him. Get back to the cars, please, gentlemen.

Never, methinks, by the folly of his nurse shall charm or sorcery harm him; for I know an antidote stronger than the wild wood herb, and a goodly salve I know for the venomed spells." So spake she, and with her immortal hands she placed the child on her fragrant breast, and the mother was glad at heart.

"Mis' Boynton had a spell, I guess!" suggested the storekeeper, peering through the door into the darkness. "'T ain't like Ivory to be out nights and leave her to Rod." "She don't have no spells," said Abel Day. "Uncle Bart sees consid'able of Ivory an' he says his mother is as quiet as a lamb. Couldn't you git no kind of a certif'cate of Aaron's death out o' that Enfield feller, Peter?

Then her aunt grew jealous, talked of a conspiracy, and threatened to send for Dr. Brown which Dr. Polk implored her to do. By spells she wept, when they quietly pushed her from the room and locked the door. She would creep in to him in the night during Mammy Easter's watches and talk him into a raging fever. But Virginia slept lightly and took the alarm.

Seems to me, putting this and that and the other thing together, it's a sort of alphabet that spells something. Spoon, tumbler, water, sugar, brandy that's it. O-t-a-r-d is brandy. Who put these things here? What does it all mean? Don't put sugar here for show, don't put a spoon here for ornament, nor a jug of water.

"Now, when put to the test," interrupted Toussaint, "my poor child was prepared to die with you, though you had perplexed her mind with superstition terrified her with spells and charms " "You do not know her, uncle. She herself told me that she dared not die with me, though it was the only " "And you wished it you required it!

So the Queen levelled her finger at Noorna, and he spun the net above her head, and dropped it on her shoulder, and dragged her with him to the pillar. When Shibli Bagarag saw that, the world darkened to him, and he rushed upon Abarak; but Noorna called swiftly in his ear, 'Wait! wait! Thou by thy spells art stronger than all here save Abarak. Be true!

In alternate spells of desperation and strange exhilarated hope, the miserable woman waited and waited with her two children.

The wraiths that cannot rest because their love is still unsatisfied, the voices which cry by night over field and fell, the water-spirits and forest fairies, the second-sight of coming woes, the presentiment of death, the warnings and the charms and spells, which fill the popular poetry of all Northern nations, are absent in Italian songs.

At any rate he was learned in healing all sick creatures, and in especial falcons, horses, and hounds, by means of whispered spells, the breath of his mouth, potions, and electuaries; and I myself have seen him handle a furious old she-wolf which had been caught in a trap, so that no man dared go nigh her, as though it were a tame little dog.