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I found out later on that those boys would listen to straight talk on almost any subject, even themselves. Also that they would not listen to speech-making of the ordinary kind. I sometimes wonder what will happen when they become grown men and acquire votes. How will they deal with the ordinary politician? I cherish vivid recollections of the early days of the club.

Badger and Red Shirt are below my standing in their personality, but they were skilled in speech-making, and it would not do to have them see my awkwardness. I'll make a rough note of composition first, I thought, and started mentally making a sentence, when, to my surprise, Clown stood up suddenly. It was unusual for Clown to state his opinion.

Some volunteers Americans, French, and friendly Indians were sent to the aid of the American captain at Vincennes, and the latter, by threats and promises, and a mixture of diplomatic speech-making with a show of force, contrived, for the time being, to pacify the immediately neighboring tribes.

He said the Boers wished to preserve peaceful and friendly relations with the whole world, because wherever love dwelt the blessing of God was sure to follow. President Krüger's defiance was regarded by the British Government as mere speech-making. The Government refused to believe that the old man wished his words to be taken seriously, and so passed the whole affair over as unworthy of notice.

So far from being an intimate confidential farewell, Helen's departure was in the nature of a public ceremony with speech-making. Mr. Price made most of the speeches, in fact the lower portion of his countenance was in violent motion most of the ten minutes. "Take care of yourself, Helen," he urged loudly. "Don't you worry about your pa, we'll look out for him.

The old man seized his flag and set out upon his own account for a tour of the country. Right well he bore himself. If speech-making ever does any good toward the shaping of results Greeley's speeches surely should have elected him.

"How about the philanthropic dodge? Robinson is on the Associated Charities in town. I saw in the paper that he made a speech the other night." "If he does nothing better than speech-making, he might as well drop it. There might be something in benevolent efforts, if one had just the temperament and talents for them.

After a hundred consecutive days of excitement, of intense mental strain, and of unremitting bodily exertion, after speech-making and parades, music and bonfires, it must be something of a trial to face at once the mortification of defeat, the weariness of intellectual and physical reaction, and the dull commonplace of daily routine.

In 1837 he wrote and delivered an able address before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield. In December, 1839, Stephen A. Douglas, the most brilliant of the young Democrats then in Springfield, challenged the young Whigs of the town to a tournament of political speech-making, in which Lincoln bore a full and successful share.

"It is I they desire so strongly that by my faith I have caught the contagion of their desire, so that now I want them and will have them for myself." I had observed that Pasquini fretted at my delay of speech-making, and I resolved to fret him further. "You, Pasquini," I announced, "I shall settle with in short account. I would not that you tarried while Fortini waits your companionship.