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Thou wilt see thou wilt see they will not stop the march of the Prussians. Trochu will be obliged to come to the National Guard. Then we shall say, 'General, give us our terms, and go to sleep. "I shall be summoned to the council of war. I have my plan. I explain it 'tis accepted it succeeds. I am placed in supreme command the Prussians are chased back to their sour-krout.

"But the man was the funniest thing," said Bobaday. "He just talked poetry all the time, and Grandma said he was daft. I'd like to talk that way myself, but I can't make it jee." Zene observed mysteriously, that there were some queer folks in this section. Yes, Bobaday admitted; the landlord was as Dutch as sour-krout. Zene observed that all the queer folks wasn't Dutch.

Preparations of potatoes, lemons, and oranges were served out, and a pound of sour-krout was supplied to each man twice a week, while sugar and wheaten flour were found useful, but oatmeal and fish oil were considered to promote scurvy. The voyage, now completed, was justly considered without a parallel in the history of maritime enterprise.

They were immediately placed under the care of the English surgeons, and, by a free use of sour-krout and sweet-wort, they nearly all quickly recovered. Through the exertions of Major Behm, a supply of rye-flour was furnished to the ships, and a bullock was sent on board, which was served out to the men on Sunday.

But, if it takes place of itself, it does not explain itself; consequently, when I say to you, Now, let us take breath, this is not a signal for my having a rest, for I have undertaken to explain Respiration to you. If you were a German, I would remind you of what so often happens when you put a fork into a dish of sour-krout.

You at least have had letters from your Gretchens, astounding letters, very likely, in which the melancholy blends with blue eyes, make a wonderful literary salad, composed of sour-krout, Berlin wool, forget-me-nots, pillage, bombardment, pure love, and transcendental philosophy. But you like all this just as you like jam with your mutton. You have what pleases you.

"Our passage was attended with extremely pleasant weather; and nothing remarkable occurred, except that the Dutch crew thought Mr. Buckhanan a very great man, and the object of his mission the overthrow of European dynasties in general. Twice they undertook to regale him with sour-krout, which he pronounced inferior to that made in York county, Pennsylvane.

Dot mule he has a soreness by his mouth. I vill knock off your shoulders mit your head robbermans!" "Yi-yi!" howled Rattlesnake, roaring with laughter and ducking his head, "somebody git this here sour-krout off'n me!" One of the band yanked Fritz back by the coat-tail, and the woods rang with Rattlesnake's vociferous comments. "The dog-goned little wienerwurst," he yelled, amiably.

The cabbages were apparently boiled with meat, as nowadays, and also used considerably for "sour-krout" and for pickling, with which the Leyden people had doubtless become familiar during their residence among the Dutch. As anti-scorbutics they were of much value. The same was true of onions, whether pickled, salted, raw, or boiled.

At the slightest appearance of the disease two or three pints a day were given to each man. A pound of sour-krout was supplied to each man, twice a week, at sea. Preparations of potatoes, lemons, and oranges were served out with good effect. Sugar was found useful, as was wheaten flour, while oatmeal and oil were considered to promote the scurvy such oil, at least, as was served to the Navy.