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Agasias intimates that Apollonidês either had been a slave or at least ought to be one. =Sneeze=: any sudden, involuntary outburst, like sneezing, was considered a sign of the divine will for good or evil. As it occurred here just as Xenophon pronounced the auspicious word "preservation," it was regarded as a favorable omen sent by Zeus himself.

Then, as he felt his head must burst and his senses were failing from the deadly grip at his throat, his feet caught in the folds of the heavy curtain, and brought it down upon them in a cloud of dust. As the light flooded in, he saw the truth, even before his now panting and sneezing antagonist did.

"What?" said Jane. "I didn't speak," said Mr. Mortimer. "Who am I to speak?" he went on bitterly. "Who am I that it should be supposed that I have anything sensible to suggest?" "Somebody spoke," said Jane. "Achoo!" "Do you feel a draught, Mr. Bennett?" cried Jane sharply, wheeling round on him. "There is a draught," began Mr. Bennett. "Well, finish sneezing and I'll go on." "I didn't sneeze!"

He whipped round on his heel and turned on me a countenance which I dare say he imagined to be awful; but another fit of sneezing cut him off ere he could come the length of speech. "I have not tried the dish myself," I took the opportunity to add. "It is said to be unpalatable. Did monsieur find it so?" With surprising vivacity the Colonel woke from his lethargy.

The second a big, florid, fine animal of a man, whose every gesture labelled him the cock of the walk and the admiration of the ladies had apparently despaired of the fire, and now strode up and down, sneezing hard, bitterly blowing his nose, and proffering a continual stream of bluster, complaint, and barrack-room oaths.

From the early days of pictures representing simple movements, such as a man sneezing, or a skirt-dance, there has been a gradual evolution, until now the pictures represent not only actual events in all their palpitating instantaneity, but highly developed dramas and scenarios enacted in large, well-equipped glass studios, and the result of infinite pains and expense of production.

The consequence of this is that laughing and weeping are also animals; and if so, then also are coughing, sneezing, groaning, spitting, blowing the nose, and other such like things sufficiently known. And are not then the evening, dawning, and midnight bodies? Or is not a day a body? Is not then the first day of the month a body?

Old Captain Bill and young Bill's new step-mother were among the crowd, and it was fun the see the young bride rushing around after her old hubby, trying to keep him from blowing up the boat with his sneezing and cursing. He would pull away from her every time he would make a big sneeze, and then he would curse until another one would overtake him.

"If Leandro begins to read, I vote we all are seized with an invincible fit of sneezing," said another of the grown-up children. "Well, we may as well begin at once; I will go and tell the Contessa Violante that we are ready," said Ludovico, moving off.

There followed sneezing and hoarseness; in a short time the disorder, accompanied by a violent cough, reached the chest; then fastening lower down, it would move the stomach and bring on all the vomits of bile to which physicians have ever given names; and they were very distressing.