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Now, if any of you can prove that Code did anything but try and save the old schooner, let's hear you do it. If not, shut up! I don't want to hear no more of that talk." There was silence for a while as all hands sought to escape the gray, accusing eye that wandered slowly around the circle. Then from back in the shadow somewhere a voice said sneeringly: "What ax you got to grind, Pete?"

Campbell's, the doctor was exhibiting some chemical experiments, with which Henry hoped that his young friend would be entertained; but Forester had scarcely been five minutes in the laboratory, before Mackenzie, who was lounging about the room, sneeringly took notice of a large hole in his shoe.

Elizabeth advanced, striving to quell the antipathy she felt to kiss the stern featured, old woman, and touched her lips to the wrinkled forehead. Jane Merrick laughed, a bit sneeringly, while Beth drew back, still composed, and looked at her relative enquiringly. "Well, what do you think of me?" demanded Aunt Jane, as if embarrassed at the scrutiny she received.

He had been impressed to awe by the Tall Master's music, but he was piqued, and determined not to give in easily. He said sneeringly that Maskelyne and Cooke in music had come to life, and suggested a snake-dance. The Tall Master heard these things, and immediately he turned to Lazenby with an angry look on his face.

Thus he had sneeringly dispensed with Gerald; thus he had shouldered Fane and Harmon out of his way when they objected to the purchase of Neergard's acreage adjoining the Siowitha preserve, and its incorporation as an integral portion of the club tract; thus he was preparing to rid himself of Ruthven for another reason.

Attempt to force Bernardine Moore into this hateful marriage, and it will be at your peril. Hear me, and understand what I say: She shall never wed you!" "I should be as big a fool as you are, woman, if I lost time bandying words with you!" he cried, sneeringly.

I see, you were spying on us. You rascal!" "It strikes me that you are the rascal," I returned. "You try deliberately to shield a thief." "What!" "Yes, it's true." "Can you prove it?" Mr. Woodward asked the question sneeringly, but there was much of curiosity in his tones. "Perhaps I can." The merchant pulled his mustache nervously. "Strong, you are greatly mistaken.

"I think your nerve failed you. All I got to say is you're a devil of an officer." "Maybe you'd like to tell her," sneeringly. "I shore ain't afraid to!" bristling. "I don't like to listen to a female's snifflin', and I say so, but when it comes to bein' afraid of one of 'em " Bowers banged the pan of biscuits on the table to emphasize the small esteem in which he held women.

There may be other things too " Father Francis looked up sharply. "Oh! the old story!" he said sneeringly. "If you tell me on your word of honour that there is no woman in the case, or no particular programme of sin you propose to work out, I shall believe you. But it is an old story, as you say." "I swear to you there is not," cried the other. "Thank God then!" said Percy.

As we passed them, one said to the other: "We are not going to fight to-day: Twiggs's division is going to fight". The other of the two replied, sneeringly: "What do you know about it?" To which the first answered: "Don't you see those young engineer officers, with the engineer company and their wagons?