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Breakfast, several tiffens, lunches, and afternoon snacks, and a full evening's dinner was provided. The dish of scraps was always available. At will the pet flew in and out of the kitchen, and if by chance food was not spread out at the accustomed place it protested loudly, and always effectively. Although a large quantity of food was self-earned, there was always a substantial meal in reserve.

TRUMPETER. See, now! how cleanly the Croat is done Snacks! Master Shooter, and mum's the word. I think your cap is a smartish one. 'Tis a regular swop, as these gents have heard. The above. An Artilleryman. How is this I pray, brother carabineer? Shall we longer stay here, our fingers warming, While the foe in the field around is swarming? SERGEANT. Art thou, indeed, in such hasty fret?

The new enactment was too much even for the "Law's" apologists; it alienated their sympathies, and afforded them excuse and opportunity to associate themselves at last with the rightful indignation of their fellow-citizens. As for Kekewich, we or as many of us as might survive his snacks determined that he should be made explain himself to the Queen.

Back then she would always try to restrain herself from those cans of beer that preceded her chewing tobacco snacks in order to be spared from his scowling, to continue to seem attractive to him, and to appear less extreme and headstrong than what she really was.

For his own breakfast he went to Sing Luey's Canton Restaurant. Because while Bill Lainey offered no objections to feeding the horse, Mrs. Lainey utterly refused to provide snacks at odd hours for good-for-nothing, stick-a-bed punchers who were too lazy to eat at the regular meal-time. So there, now.

He only sat in the doorway, looking down the road where he had watched her approach a few weeks ago, and when she said, noting his abstraction, "A penny for your thoughts, papa!" he asked, in a purely conversational tone, "Elizabeth," she always loved to hear him say "Elizabeth," "Elizabeth, do you think it would make Nick very mad indeed if we were to go snacks?" "Mad as hops!" she cried.

"And he told thee well, my master. Frank is a good lad, though vain, and his palm itcheth. So to terms, eh? Now, methinks 'twere but equity and good fellowship for two such as we are to go snacks, eh? Cut through the middle even halves, bully even halves! How say you?" "You don't mean," said Droop, "that you'd want half the profits, jest fer introducin' me to Lord What's-is-name, do ye?"

Here am I! My name is Frank Henley! My father's name is Abimelech Henley! A's a cunnin warm old codger A tell her that And says you, here Missee says you am I, at your onnurable Ladyship's reverend sarvice. My father has a got the rhino A don't forget to tell her that Smug and snug and all go snacks Do you mind me?

Upon which Jeanette would return with a fine cup of chocolate, hot, silky and scented, and some succulent grilled snacks, flavoured with anise; greatly pleasing Tartarin-Sancho and silencing the cries of Tartarin-Quixote. That is how it happens that Tartarin de Tarascon had never left Tarascon. There was one occasion when Tartarin nearly went on a long journey.

That makes a difference," said Miss Lavendar, exchanging amused glances with Anne over Paul's brown curls. "I suppose that snacks ARE extremely unwholesome. That is why we have them so often at Echo Lodge. We. . . Charlotta the Fourth and I . . . live in defiance of every known law of diet.