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On the twenty-seventh day of June, 1721, Zabdiel Boylston of Boston inoculated his only son for smallpox, the first person ever submitted to the operation in the New World.

The marks of smallpox, a heavy beard, grey hair, and solitary life had altered him beyond Charley's recognition. Jo could hardly speak. His legs were trembling under him, for now he knew that Charley Steele was himself again.

On the opening of spring, Carson and his party commenced to trap again, and returning to the fruitful country of the hostile Blackfeet, they learned that the tribe had completely recovered from the visitation of the smallpox of the previous year. Some bands were camped near the trapping-ground, and were in excellent condition, spoiling for a fight with the whites.

He might catch the smallpox, but even that was better than going back to the bay pirates. He whirled the skiff half about to the right, and threw all his strength against the oars. The cove was quite wide, and the nearest point which he must go around a good distance away.

So great was the fear of the terrible smallpox that the sexton would not perform even that service for its victim. Capen remained at the shanty another week. Then, as the minister showed no symptoms of having contracted the disease and insisted that he needed no companion, Ebenezer departed to take up his fishing once more.

"Heinzman died of smallpox at four o'clock this afternoon," said Orde. Newmark did not alter his attitude nor his expression, but his face slowly went gray. For a full minute he sat absolutely motionless, his breath coming and going noisily through his contracted nostrils. Then he arose gropingly to his feet, and started toward one of the two doors leading from the room.

She was a little, ugly, lively trollop, with small twinkling ferret eyes, and marked with smallpox. On my arrival in the morning, I always found my coffee and cream ready, and the mother never failed to welcome me with a kiss on the lips, which I would willingly have returned the daughter, to see how she would have received it.

His impulse was to leap up those steps, rush across that deck, spring into the dory and row, anywhere to get away from the horror of that forecastle. "Come up!" called Burgess. "Hurry! It's the smallpox! The darned hooker's rotten with it. For God sakes, come quick!" He ran to the rail, yelling order to Bill and Thoph, who were frantically busy with the dory. Ellery began to climb the ladder.

His triumph was short-lived; another army was sent from Peking, this time against him, and he fled into Russian territory, dying there soon afterwards of smallpox. This campaign was lavishly illustrated by Chinese artists, who produced a series of realistic pictures of the battles and skirmishes fought by Ch`ien Lung's victorious troops.

If smallpox kills half a dozen persons in one day, the fell work is that of an a-ni'-to; if a man receives a stone bruise on the trail an a-ni'-to is in the foot and must be removed before recovery is possible. There is one exception to the above sweeping charge against the a-ni'-to the Igorot says that toothache is caused by a small worm twisting and turning in the tooth.