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But her spirit died within her; she bowed her head as if she were never to lift it up again; and she was ready to say with Job, "What good is my life to me?" It was long, very long after, when slowly and mournfully she came in again to kiss Alice before going back to her aunt's.

Kate wondered if she should be able to think of that next time she was going to work herself into an agony. But at present all was like a precious dream, to be enjoyed as slowly as the moments could be persuaded to pass.

A half hour later he heard the door of the hall open and shut and knew that Captain Zelotes had returned. Rising, he descended the stairs. He descended slowly. Just as he reached the foot of the narrow flight Captain Zelotes entered the hall from the dining-room and turned toward him. Both were surprised at the meeting. Albert spoke first. "Good evening, Grandfather," he stammered.

Meantime the sun was declining; Prosper had gone and taken the counterpane from the cart, and between them they raised Honore's body, slowly, reverently, and laid it on the bed-covering, which they had stretched upon the ground; then, first wrapping him in its folds, they bore him to the cart.

Appleton's bust of Aurelius, and she said she was surprised he had purchased it, for it did not seem to her a satisfactory copy; a conclusion that I had been slowly coming to myself. She has a bronze replica of Story's "Beethoven" which, like most of his statues, is seated in a chair, and a rather realistic work, as Miss Cushman admitted.

The barber with the poetic beard leaped to his feet, as fluent in welcoming us as he had been in protestations a few evenings before, while the aesthetic young man smiled pensively down at a long-stemmed fleur-de-lis which he slowly twirled in his fingers. The cashier of a Constantinople department store sang from "Tosca."

Sound on, ye glorious strains of the hunter's horn; continue your stirring tones, for the evening is mild, and the surface of the sea, heaving slowly and calmly, is smooth as a mirror. Between the Baltic and the North Sea there lies an old swan's nest, wherein swans are born and have been born that shall never die.

In the order I have given, they marched out the gate in front of the temple which our people call the Mahometry, walking so slowly that even a weak old woman would not have asked for a slower pace.

In vain did Andy frantically try to get more speed out of his motor. He cut out the muffler, and the explosions sounded loudly over the lake. But it was no use. A minute later the ARROW, which had slowly forged ahead, crossed the bows of the RED STREAK opposite the finishing point, and Tom had won the race.

"They they 'aven't found 'im yet?" said the widow. Mr. Kidd shook his head. "My idea is they won't find 'im," he said, slowly. "Went down on the ebb tide," explained Mr. Brown; and spoilt Mr. Kidd's opening. "Wherever he is 'e's better off," said Mrs. Gibbs. "No more trouble about being out o' work; no more worry; no more pain. We've all got to go some day. "Yes," began Mr. Kidd; "but