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His body was at length thrown heavily to one side, and its weight acting like a lever upon the bear, caused the latter to lose his balance, and tumbling off the log, both man and bear fell "slap-dash" into the mud.

"It is because you have real genius that I venture to be brutally candid," he said, when, by those slap-dash pencil-marks of his always with the author's consent he had reduced the "Tragedy of the Sceptic Soul" to about one-third of its original length. "I was carried away yesterday by my first impressions; to-day I am coldly critical. I have set my heart upon your poem making a great success."

It was a slap-dash style, unceremonious, free and easy, an American style. And, indeed, there was something altogether in the appearance and bearing of the mayor which savoured of residence in the Great Republic.

"I told him no such thing," Henley retorted, with an effort to control his rising temper. "I can't be responsible for the slap-dash way he puts things. I don't like his eternal gab, nohow." "Well, you must have said something," Mrs. Henley pursued, probingly. "He never makes up things out of whole cloth. He is not that way." "Well, I suppose I did say something," Henley reluctantly admitted.

In humbler Comedy we next appear, No Fop or Cuckold, but slap-dash we had him here; We showed you all, but you malicious grown, | Friends Vices to expose, and hide your own; | Cry, damn it This is such, or such a one. | Yet nettled, Plague, what does the Scribler mean? With his damn'd Characters, and Plot obscene.

Mattie Gormer's undiscriminating good-nature, and the slap-dash sociability of her friends, who treated Lily precisely as they treated each other all these characteristic notes of difference began to wear upon her endurance; and the more she saw to criticize in her companions, the less justification she found for making use of them.

It is hardly more than twenty years ago that John Sargent, whose works are often the strongest drawing card in the annual exhibitions, was ignored by the jury of the Royal Academy. "A slap-dash sort of a painter, my dear boy. Most dangerous to allow his things to come in. No drawing, you know, no finish altogether out of the question." So spoke a Royal Academician when the question was broached.

Throw yourself on the world without any rational plan of support beyond what the chance employ of booksellers would afford you! Throw yourself, rather, my dear sir, from the steep Tarpeian rock slap-dash headlong upon iron spikes. If you had but five consolatory minutes between the desk and the bed, make much of them, and live a century in them, rather than turn slave to the booksellers.

In less than ten years' residence in Spain he covered the walls of dozens of churches and palaces with his fatally facile work. There are more than three hundred pictures recorded as executed by him in that time. They are far from being without merit. There is a singular slap-dash vigor about his drawing. His coloring, except when he is imitating some earlier master, is usually thin and poor.

You may keep smelling what way you plase, but I'm as sober as a judge, still, and, drunk or sober, always knows and knewed on which side my bread was buttered: got it for a song, I tell you a bit of a complimentary, adulatory scroll, that the young lady fancied and she, slap-dash, Lord love her, and keep her always so! writes at the bottom, granted the poet's petition.