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I never knowed Johnny could " He was frowned into silence by the reader, who went on exuberantly, the lines punctuated by profane gurgles from the author. "Now this here," Bud paused to explain, "was c'lab'rated on by Mary V. The first line was wrote by our 'steemed young friend an' skyrider poet, but the balance is in Mary V's handwritin'. And I claim she's some poet!

I hauled it over here with four of the orneriest mules that ever flapped an ear at white men. It cost me just sixty dollars, all told not counting repairs. And I'm going to ride the sky, and part the clouds like foam " "'And brand each star with the Rolling R, An-d lead the Great Bear ho-ome," Mary V chanted promptly. "Oh, Skyrider, won't you take me along too?

They didn't hardly think it would be worth while getting a doctor to the ranch, because they didn't see how Skyrider was goin' to last long enough for a doctor to git to work on him. It was a damn shame. Skyrider was one fine boy and did anybody know where his folks lived? But the doctor was sent for just the same, and he was ready to do what could be done.

You'll want a mechanician to keep your motor in shape. I can make a motor, gimme the tools. You want somebody that knows the game to kinda manage things. You're Skyrider Johnny, same as the boys at the ranch calls yuh. Yon gotta have a flunkey, ain't yuh? I'm willin' to be it. I'll change my name, so nobody needs to know it's Bland Halliday.

Bud chanted vain-gloriously. "How's that, Skyrider? Ain't that purty fair po'try?" "It don't fit into the tune with a cuss," Tex criticized jealously. "Pass over that po'try of Johnny's. Yo' all ain't needin' it not if you aims to make up yore own words." "C'm 'ere! You wall-eyed weiner-wurst!" Johnny harshly addressed the horse he was after.

Bill laughed a little. "Me, I don't aim to do no figgerin' about Skyrider. He's got his flyin' machine workin', though, accordin' to Mary V. I guess Skyrider has mebby flew the country. He'd likely think it was about time way he gummed things up around here." Sudden permitted himself a snort, probably in agreement with Bill's statement that things were "gummed up" at Sinkhole.

"But you see, Skyrider, he can't fly without gas, and if you just have a little bit just enough to practice with " "Mary V, when you aren't on the fight you're the best little pal in the world!" cried Johnny impulsively, and leaned and caught her hand and held it tight for a minute.

They'd telephone to the ranch and have the message repeated on the town line. Everything was easy, Bill said, except getting Skyrider to a doctor quick, without shaking him up too much. And getting the flying machine outa there though he guessed mebby Skyrider wouldn't want no more flyin' in his.

She had not thought of the possibilities of that open tablet falling into other hands than Johnny Jewel's. "Hyah! You gol-darn witless wight," bawled Bud Norris, and slapped Bill Hayden on the back and roared. "Hee-yah! Skyrider! When yo' all git done kissin' Venus's snow-white hand, come and listen at what's been wrote for yo' all by Mary V! Whoo-ee!

Where's the Great Bear at that yo' all was goin' to lead home, Skyrider?" Then they laughed like two maniacs. Mary V gritted her teeth at them and wished aloud that she had her shotgun with her. A youth, whose sagging chaps pulled in his waistline until he looked almost as slim as a girl, ceased dragging at the bridle reins of a balky bronk and glanced across the corral.