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So all the professional thieves and all the police set themselves to seek out the lawless plunderers." "Humph!" interpolated Kenkenes expressively. "Aye. And it was not long with all these upon the scent until Khafra and Sigur were discovered coming forth from a tomb laden with spoil, and in the struggle which ensued they did murder.

He performed his part of the drama with becoming solemnity; but, about an hour later, as he was taking his customary afternoon walk with the French ambassador, M. de Sigur, he laughed, and said "The empress and I have been working magic to-day; for in the course of a few minutes we built up an entire city.

The Israelite and the Egyptian carried the punt, the boat of Khafra and Sigur, and launched it on the clean waters.

Besides the counsel already named, there were on the slave's side a second Upton and a Bonford, and on the master's side a Sigur, a Caperton, and a Lockett. The redemptioners had made the cause their own and prepared to sustain it with a common purse. Neither party had asked for a trial by jury; the decision was to come from the bench.

Parton quotes this interesting account of the commissioners from the Memoirs of Count Sigur: "Nothing could be more striking than ... the almost rustic apparel, the plain but firm demeanor, the free and direct language, of the envoys, whose antique simplicity of dress and appearance seemed to have introduced within our walls, in the midst of the effeminate and servile refinement of the eighteenth century, some sages contemporary with Plato, or republicans of the age of Cato and of Fabius.

He touched a man near him on the shoulder. "Who may these distracted women be?" he asked. "The mothers of Khafra and Sigur, and their women." "Nay! Are these men dead? I knew them once. "They are by this time. They were to be hanged in the dungeon of the house of the governor of police at this hour," the man answered with morbid relish in his tone. Kenkenes looked at him in horror.

"The plunder of Khafra and Sigur, by my mummy!" Kenkenes ejaculated. "Will they return?" Rachel asked, in a voice full of fear. "They are gathered to Amenti for their misdeeds many months agone," he explained. "See how thickly the dust lies here without a print upon it. They were tomb-robbers. None of the authorities could discover their hiding-place, and lo! here it is."

We had a procession of visitors all day and tried to make W.'s library possible comfortable it wasn't, as there were packages of books and papers and boxes everywhere. I had a good many visits and flowers on New Year's day which was an agreeable surprise Lord Lyons, Orloff, the Sibberns, Comte de Sigur, M. Alfred Andre, and others.