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He tapped his finger on the walls for marks of shot, and discovered a shot-hole in the wood-work, that had passed an arm's length above her head, into which he thrust his finger in an intense speculative meditation, shifting eyes from it to her, and throwing them aloft.

In a minute or two the light of a taper gleamed through the shot-hole, and very shortly after, the preacher, with the assistance of his staff, pushed a billet to Glendinning through the window. "God bless thee, my son," said the old man, "and complete the marvellous work which he has begun." "Amen!" answered Halbert, with solemnity, and proceeded on his enterprise.

There appeared to be a shot-hole at the upper part near the hip. He complained of being in acute pain, and that he had lost the use of his limbs; he said he could no longer stand, but must be allowed to sit down. The party, however, bore him to the carriage, and got him home as soon as possible. Mr. Park attended him until he died.

A little farther and you strike upon a room, not empty like the rest, but crowded with PRODUCTIONS from bygone criminal cases: a grim lumber: lethal weapons, poisoned organs in a jar, a door with a shot-hole through the panel, behind which a man fell dead. I cannot fancy why they should preserve them unless it were against the Judgment Day.

I hope you understand the use of the weapon?" "Not particularly," Lovel replied. "I am sorry for that M'Intyre is said to be a marksman." "I am sorry for it also," said Lovel, "both for his sake and my own: I must then, in self-defence, take my aim as well as I can." "Well," added Taffril, "I will have our surgeon's mate on the field a good clever young fellow at caulking a shot-hole.

Cyril leapt down the companion as he heard the crash, shouting to the boatswain to follow him. The water was coming through the hole in a great jet. Cyril seized a pillow and stuffed it into the shot-hole, being drenched from head to foot in the operation. One of the sailors had followed the boatswain, and Cyril called him to his assistance. "Get out the oars at once," he said to the boatswain.

"Well, you have the evidence of your eyes before you," Jarvis returned with great good humour, from his knees among the vines where he was now picking busily again. "To be sure it hasn't gone without a hitch. Last season we had a long spring drought to fight and fought it, too, with irrigation. This spring the shot-hole fungus attacked us, but we overcame it with spraying.

The shot-hole which was the cause of all the mischief was now completely under water more than half the time, showing only when the bows of the vessel lifted over a swell.

And seizing upon Ivanhoe, he bore him off with as much ease as the Templar had carried off Rebecca, rushed with him to the postern, and having there delivered his burden to the care of two yeomen, he again entered the castle to assist in the rescue of the other prisoners. One turret was now in bright flames, which flashed out furiously from window and shot-hole.

As I again turned my gaze to leeward, there was the galley, with a clean, neat shot-hole in her starboard bow, so close to the water-line that the furrow ploughed up by her rush through the water was flashing and leaping right over it; and what was of at least equal importance to us just then both banks of oars were trailing limp and motionless, as if suddenly paralysed, in the water alongside of her.